Task 1: Spots 1 - 8

37 3 0

1. BeyondDuck 

Adara stared at the ring on her finger, ignoring the strands of brown hair that dangled in front of her eyes. She was shaken from the attack with the lions. For whatever reason, in her fight, she wasn't able to bend, which left her in a perplexed state. All she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and rest her aching muscles, but she could feel the gaze of the man who had rescued her, boring into her skin. She ignored him for the time being, not wanting to speak.

Adara abandoned the rock she had found on the floorboards of the weird contraption she was in. Her focus turned to her upward facing palms that were shaking slightly. Closing her eyes, she focused all she had into her bending, and before long, she could feel the comfort of the flames in her hands. Adara opened her eyes to look at the small flame. With a furrowed brow she raised her hand and forced the flame to dance around her fingers until she was interrupted by what sounded like a shrill squeal from the man next to her.

"What the heck was that?" His words matched the frantic look in his eyes.

Adara smirked, taking in the looks of the man. His eyes were almost as dark as his hair, which was brushed across his forehead and shining with droplets of sweat, but his skin was in stark contrast to the dark colours of his hair and eyes. His skin was so pale, it was as if this man never stepped out into the sun.

"I'm a fire bender," Adara shrugged, turning her eyes back to her hands.

"A what?" The man's question caused Adara to snap her head to the man in shock.

"A fire bender. You know, a person who can control fire? I come from the Fire Nation," Adara attempted to explain, but the man's eyes were in a daze of utter confusion. "How do you not know what that is?" Adara's words came out with more venom then she intended.

"I don't know!" He exclaimed defensively. "I'm Dauntless," he offered, his tone now normal again. Adara stared at him having no idea what he meant, causing him to sigh heavily and drag a hand over his face. "The name's Darren by the way." His words fell flat, leading Adara to believe he didn't care if they knew each other's names but was just trying to be polite.

"Adara Kalama," Adara introduced herself.

Darren nodded, but he didn't say a word. The guy didn't even over her a glace. Adara scoffed, turning her gaze back to the ring on her finger, and she was instantly filled with sadness. She wanted to see her little brother again, to see her father, and more than anything, she longed for the warmth of Zuko and the strength of his arms around her. With a sigh, she threw her gaze upward to the glass in front of her. She didn't want to be apart of these stupid games, but there wasn't a way out.

Bright colours flared in front of the glass, dancing around them in a halo of bright pinks and greens and any other colour imaginable. Adara couldn't help but stare at the colours in complete awe, but she could feel the tension coming from Darren. She wanted to know if he was okay, but she was in a trance caused by the lights. A buzz filled the air, and the contraption they were in lurched forward. Adara couldn't believe her eyes.

All of a sudden, they weren't in a dark and gloomy building. Now they were on a beach, and Adara watched for a moment as the waves crashed against the shore violently, dragging sand back into the vast depths of the ocean. It took Adara all of two seconds to climb her way out of the odd transportation machinery. She took in the smell of the sea salt, the cries of seagulls and a distant raging storm drumming in her ears, and the feel of the ever-shifting earth beneath her feet. Her eyes shifted lazily to Darren when she heard a sharp inhale of breath. His eyes were filled with amazement, almost as if he'd never seen the ocean before, or even heard of it.

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