First day *part 2*

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I want to dedicate this chapter to #oreo342356 for being one of the first people to comment on the books!!


~Elsa P.O.V~

"Elsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", Anna shouted, "hurryyyyyyy uuuuuup".

"I'm coming" I said in a very calm voice.

You see my mansion isn't that far away from the school, so I thought me and Anna could chill out a bit. But boy, was I wrong. I was gonna be late on the first of class. I ran out of my Lamborghini (which was dark blue) to Anna. "What's your first class", she asked.

"Business class" I replied, while walking with Anna to her class, "what about you?"

"Math" she replied dreamily.

"Hmmm" I said and did the 'Elsa move', which like I told you is just raising an eyebrow.

"The teacher is sooo hot"

"You know you can't date a teacher, right"

"I know" she huffed "but it doesn't hurt to have a crush on him"


"Anyways, I've gotta go" Anna said cheerfully, "see you later"

"Yea, see you", I replied and started walking to my next class with a really big map of the college. 'Shoot! I'm lost' I thought as buried my head in the map and kept walking.

'Aaah' I said as my butt hit the floor and heard another 'Aaah'. (A/N~ lol I didn't know how to describe 'ooofffh'~ you know when you fall and say 'ooofffh')

I looked up from the map to see a person ~ ok scratch that ~ a really cute guy. He looked at me and said "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going"

"Nonono, I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm sorry", I apologized.

He just chuckled and asked, "Having trouble finding your way".

"Oh, um, yea", I chuckled whilst replying. (is the word 'whilst' used correctly in the sentence)

"Well you should know where all your classes are by now" he said sternly.

"I just joined today, so, no, I don't know where my first class is" I snapped

"Okay then, what is your first class"

"Business" I replied, not in a mood to talk to him anymore.

"Go straight and take a right, it should be the first classroom" he said.

"Thanks" I said, and with that I was off to my first class!


Hey guys!! Sorry for the really short chapter.... only 335 words....... really short :( ...... i have been busy with a lot of school work but i have decided that i will update every weekend (either saturday or sunday) and if i don't then i will make the story extra long. 

Please vote, comment and follow if you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love you all,


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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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