Fuck, I don't know how much longer I can hide my wings... especially with him looking at me like that.

"I can feel something on you..." He observes. "It's almost like a deal, but different... Tell me, what have the Hunters made you vow?"

Of course he knows. I don't even bother asking how because Harry just seems to know everything— and when he doesn't know, he finds the answer. By whatever means necessary. It's one of the things I both hate and admire about him.

I know what I'm going to say will piss him off but I don't have any other choice, so I say it anyway. 

"I can't tell you. I can't tell you anything."

I make sure to really stress the last part so he gets the hint. He does. And I was right, if he wasn't mad before, he is now. His eyes completely lose their color and his breath hisses between his teeth. His accent deepens and he speaks slowly,

"I want something to be crystal fucking clear." His large hands wrap around my hips pulling me closer, if that's even possible. We're practically one body and even though he's mad, it feels so right to have his hands on me.

"You make deals with no one. Understand? Especially the fucking Hunters. You do not belong to them and I won't have you making them any promises. Period."

"I did it to save you." I reason, throwing as much conviction behind it as I can muster.

"Save me?" He laughs darkly, humorlessly, and shakes his head.

I hold my breath as he leans towards me and his stubbled cheek scratches softly against mine. I bite my lip to suppress the moan threatening to burst from me and it's almost painful now to keep my wings in. They ache to break free and communicate with both Harry and I, but I continue to hold them back.

"I. Do not. Need. Your. Protection."

He says each word slowly and despite the softness of his tone, there is something menacing about it. It pisses me off that he acts like I'm incapable and I'm about to tell him to fuck off but a deep growl rumbles from his chest, cutting me off.

His hands tighten possessively and I nearly lose my shit when his teeth nip my ear.

"I burned without you." He says, pressing a kiss to my jaw.

It's like he's stabbed me in the fucking heart. My chest reflects the hollowness in his tone and it aches for Harry's pain.

"Did I not promise I would always return to you?" He asks while his lips continue to explore my neck, my jaw, the corner of my mouth... everywhere except my lips. The one place I'm aching for him the most, other than— Damn it, he's distracting me on purpose and it's fucking working...

"You did..."

I don't see how that's—

"Did you not believe me?"

"What are you... ahhh."

My eyes roll as his hands move my shirt up slightly so that they can caress my skin. Despite the chill in the Seattle air, his hands are warm and butterflies batter my insides violently.

"I know they have my talisman, Aurora. What else would they have that could control you? I could sense your power from the moment I saw you."

I lean away from him so that I can meet his eyes. Something sparks behind them and his lips curve slowly into a taunting grin.

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