Sombra x reader: Hacker girlfriends

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Sombra X reader

You rubbed your eyes as you were walking over to your desk with a hot cup of coffee in your hand. Your office was incredibly small, due to the fact that you had the sketchiest department and also overwatch wasn't officially making a comeback yet. If you had been old enough to join overwatch when it first started you would have, but you would have to settle for seconds. Anyway, despite the fact that your office was literally a broom closet, you had a nice desk with the huge computer you built specially for your work barely fitting on top of it. Thank god for your comfy chair, otherwise spending weeks at a time locked up in that room would be a complete nightmare. Well to be fair it was a nightmare, just not a complete nightmare.

"Another cup of coffee? This is your third in an hour." You heard the robotic voice of Apollo, the god program that Winston sort of gave to you. Trust me, you loved him as much as you loved all your friends, but he really had a lot of attitude and would barely listen to you. You placed the cup on the desk and sighed loudly as you plopped down into your chair. You winced at the brightness of the computer screen but at least it was keeping you awake. Awake and annoyed.

"Well I wouldn't need so much coffee if I wouldn't need to stay up late. But I have to because I have to do all the work myself." You had just scolded him, yet you still went on YouTube and watched trashy youtubers make something galaxy or do life hacks or something. You were in the middle of watching this one guy trying to change his phone with a banana when your whole screen when black. You rolled your eyes and told Apollo to turn your screen back on, assuming it was him trying to punish you for watching videos when you made such a big fuss about working. When he didn't answer you did the next smartest thing. You started hitting random things on your keyboard and stopped when you noticed text started appearing on the screen. The text appeared in the shape of a skull and seemed to be a code or something. You quickly wrote down the text and just barely got finished doing that before an alarm went off on your computer and the screen started flashing red with "Protocolo Sombra" written in the middle. You knew who this was, it was the Talon hacker that you were told to stay away from. You were just about to go get Winston when the whole thing stopped and you were allowed back on your computer again. You put the text through a text decoder you had, then that gave you another code that you put through another decoder then you got a message.

¿Cómo estás?

(It's only two words but I feel like I completely butchered the entire language.) You knew that that meant something along the lines of "How are you?" But you were confused as to why your computer got hacked and the hacker asked you how you are. You checked through everything on your computer and nothing else seemed to be changed or corrupted but you suspected that she doubled your computer or phone or both. You ignored all of Apollo's questions about what was happening and if you were ok and started trying to trace the hack. You traced it back really easy, almost as if the hacker wanted you to find her. You decided against hacking into her computer and to instead hack the lights of whatever house she was in, using them to do morse code.

• – –     • • • •     – • – –

You sent a simple "why" instead of sending something more complicated so that you could get a reply faster. When you did get a reply there was no "Protocolo Sombra" thing or any skulls. There was just writing that appeared on your screen, saying "Because i've been watching you for some time now and I think you're interesting. Nice trick with the lights by the way." but in spanish of course. You weren't really surprised that she had been watching you, you had suspected that someone hacked in the security cameras for some time now but Winston kept telling you that they were completely secure and that you were crazy. You were more surprised by how she seemed to have said that in an affectionate way. She basically just admitted to stalking you and even though it was just text you seemed to have gotten a romantic vibe from it. the flirtatious hacks between to two of you lasted for over half a year, the both of you somehow managing not to getting caught.

You had suspected that she was just doing this all just so that she could get information about overwatch agents but as you slowly fell in love with the mysterious Talon hacker, any doubts about her disappeared from your mind. After a long conversation with Apollo about whether she's using you or not, Apollo decided she was and you decided not to listen to Apollo anymore. You hacked into sombra's computer, taking a few seconds to admire the fact that her background is picolais cage. You put a small message in the corner of her screen saying "i think i love you" and waited for a response. In classical sombra skull format, your answer had arrived. You quickly decoded it and read it out loud to Apollo. "I wish I was able to say the same to you but it will get me into a lot more trouble than flirting. If you join me and Talon I will be able to tell you how I really feel." Once you finished reading Apollo said that he called it and you told him to shut up. You asked her why she can't join Overwatch and waited for her to reply. "Talon is going to win this and will kill every overwatch member. I don't want you to get hurt. Please."

"This is completely insane..." You said as you went to go pack your things while having to listen to Apollo tell you that it's wrong and that he'll tell Winston about your plans. It took several trips back and forth to actually get all your things into a car. You were surprised Winston didn't notice but he looked like he was busy doing his own work. While you were driving away from the overwatch headquarters you thought about all the possible outcomes for your current situation. A lot of them ended with you dying which was not great but you kind of asked for it. You left your perfectly good job for some girl you've never actually seen in real life. This may be the dumbest decision you've aver made.

-=A few months later=-

You stood in an extremely fancy hotel in New York city, looking out the huge window at all the lights and people in the city. You still haven't met sombra in person because of how the two of you weren't allowed to be in the same city for security reasons, if you were both in the same city and something happened to that city Talon could lose their two best hackers. But she's tell you everyday that she loves you so you were alright with not seeing her yet. Something you didn't like hearing however is Apollo blaming you every time you get news that another overwatch member was killed. You knew it was all your fault but you didn't really care anymore. The only thing those people every did for you anyway was supply money. You looked at your computer screen and saw that you got a message saying that you'll be going to a different city tomorrow all thanks to some loser who started tracking you. You sighed and started packing your things even though you'd barely unpacked. You were slowly turning into the type of people who work for talon, though you were still holding onto whatever kindness and sanity you could. Sombra was right about you joining Talon, its where you belong. Plus with you on their side there's no way you could lose. And when this is all over, you and sombra will get a house together and adopt kids and watch them grow up in the perfect world with nothing to worry about. You want to grow old with her and be crazy old ladies. You just wanted to be with her. But right now you had to finish packing up and get ready for your flight over to Vancouver.

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