Chapter 31

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I had spent the whole night sitting at the dining room table, raw with the emotion from sleeping with Craig and hurt by the brutal words that came flying out of Harry's mouth like daggers.

I hadn't slept a wink, hoping he would come back through the door with an apology or an excuse or something, but he hadn't come home.

I called Bec as soon as it was late enough in the morning to call without her being too mad at me and explained my night, minute by minute.

She had been happy for me that I was finally living the single life I had never had but when I told her about Harry she was uncharacteristically quiet.

"I don't know what to say," she confessed.

"I love you both, I understand why you are doing what you are doing and will always support you but I can see why he's hurting so much. Although throwing Dan cheating in your face is pretty damn harsh when he's been fucking girls every few days.  I really have no advice for you this time sis," she sighed.

I wallowed in my own misery all day, wondering where Harry was or when he would come home and what I was going to say to him when he did.

At 3pm my phone vibrates and I look down to see a message from Bec.

*Harry's at Xander's, he stayed there last night and might stay again tonight. Just a heads up he told Xander he is bringing a date to his party of Friday, some model.  X*

My head is spinning with a mix of fatigue, anger and pain and before I can stop myself I am messaging Craig and inviting him to the party.

I pull a blanket over my head and cry myself to sleep on the couch in Harry's living room, wishing I had never moved in here in the first place.

My eyes flutter open and take a second to adjust. It is pitch black outside, the stove light in the kitchen is the only light on in the house and I know from noise of the kettle boiling that Harry is home.

I peel myself off the couch and take in a steadying breath before walking into the kitchen to face him.

When his green eyes meet mine I can tell the anger from last night has subsided.  We stand looking at each other, neither one knowing what to say before he clears his throat and mumbles something about being sorry for waking me up.

"That's what you're sorry for?" I scoff as he looks down and shakes his head at the floor.

"No, I'm sorry about everything last night Liv, it was a massive double standard to make you feel shit about having sex and I shouldn't have said that shit about Dan.  I just- I was hurt and I was an arsehole and you didn't deserve it."

He takes two long strides and closes the gap between us, wrapping his arms around me.

"We can't keep hurting each other, I don't want to hurt you," I say into his sweater.

"I know you don't, it's not your fault."

He bends his knees and picks me up, walking me carefully backwards to sit on the marble bench top as he stands in between my legs. 

His hands are on my face and his forehead is on mine. The darkness surrounds us and the subtle warm glow from the stove light makes his stunning face look like he just descended from heaven.

"I'm sorry for what I said, please forgive me." He begs and I nod my head softly.

"I've never been more jealous in my life Liv, I wanted to find you and break down his door, I wanted to stop you, to beg you to be with me instead. But I know that wouldn't work."  He pauses to lick his lips

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