Daddy's Little Girl...Prologue

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I hurriedly scrambled out of his car and into the cool night air. The tear tracks on my cheeks felt warm and sticky as I stumbled helplessly up the drive and let myself through the front door. I slammed it shut behind me then raced upstairs and into my room, looking at myself in the mirror. My sorry state only made me cry harder and I curled up on my bed in a foetal ball, as if that would protect me from the horrible memories that kept replaying in my mind. I heard the footsteps coming down the hallway and scrambled into a sitting position so I could find the money I had made that night. £20. I looked down at the money in my hand. Why? Why did I have to go through all of that for a measly £20!
"How much you got Robyn" I looked up, terrified and handed over the money, carefully watching his expression, ready to defend myself the moment he turned on me...

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