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To my husband, Chad. The last year has been a whirlwind. Everything happens for a reason and sometimes when you're in that tunnel, it is especially hard to understand how you got there, or how you will get out and still be whole. I know that great things are yet to come for us. I know that this book writing venture scares you on multiple levels, primarily because you know that it makes me sick. Thank you for everything you've done to try to help keep me well. Your excitement about this book makes this book even more special than it already is to me. I'm so glad we get to share this life together. I know you're not perfect, but lately you have been pretty darn close. Cooking, cleaning, watching our children, preparing and serving meals to me. I don't think I could write a book boyfriend as good as you and actually have people believe me.

To Noah and Jonah. You will experience excruciating loss in your lives. May you always know that it's during those times that you are carried. You will never be given something that is too much for your heart to bear. Everything that doesn't kill us makes us stronger. You may not know why it happens, but God promises to make everything for the good of His glory and His kingdom for those who love Him. And He doesn't break promises. Ever. Everything I do is to make your life better, and I hope I have made you proud.

To my Dad. Thank you for your constant support, for selling books to your friends, and for keeping our medically complex children so I can go meet new fans. Without you, I wouldn't have had two of the best grandparents a girl could ask for. Releasing this book on your birthday seemed like the best gift I could possibly give to you. It will forever be available to the world. Your parents' legacy will live on forever, not just in our hearts, but now in the hearts of so many more people.

To Matt Rivers. We don't get to talk as much as we used to. We miss you and your family. When I first started writing this book, I hoped you'd be able to help. I was a little nervous about explaining this romance plot to a real life soldier, but I shouldn't have been. I should have known that you'd support me, because you've always supported your friends. You are a good friend. Thank you for your notes. Thank you for leading me to others who could help on things you didn't know. Simply put, this book wouldn't be accurate if not for you and your buddies.

To Jeremy Garland. You spent a long time with me. For free. Selflessly. I guess that's why you are who you are. A soldier and a nurse. Two of the most selfless professions I can think of. Thank you for your track changes to my manuscript. Some made me laugh, some made me want to pat myself on the back. Your late night texts to tell me that you couldn't put this book down made me do fist pumps and happy dances. I learned a lot from you that will stay with me for the rest of my life. There is no doubt that this book is better because of you. In fact, in a way, you own part of this plot. For that, I will forever be grateful. An acknowledgement in the back of the book will never be enough for your service to our country, and for being a new friend.

To Nicole Andrews Moore. You've become 'my person.' Thank you for always having my back, for working hard to put together a tour with over 100 blogs on it, and just doing everything in your power to make sure it had the best chance of success possible. This book wouldn't be what it is without you.

To Deb Hart. Let me say that I had no idea just how connected you'd be to this book. I just remember you being available to talk me through my transition into uncharted territory for me with this book. You have become such a great friend and supporter to me. I don't know where to begin to thank you. The ending and epilogue of this book just wouldn't be the same had it not been for our chat. Who knew that picking names from my chat boxes on the right side would prove so powerful? I guess God did.

Jennifer Noe. Thank you for always being so quick to read for me, and telling me your honest opinion. You're an excellent beta, and an even better friend.

Jen Gerschick. There is no way that I will ever be able to repay you for your friendship and what you do for me. Thank you for loving my writing, and screaming it from the rooftops every opportunity you get. Know it's always noticed. Your beta feedback was invaluable.

Kathy Womack. You are such a great friend. This book wouldn't be what it is without you. You believed in it before a single soul knew about it. I know you don't consider yourself a beta, but I think you just did your first little trial run at that. This book's success will be greater because of you. Know that always. Thank you for your support, but especially your spiritual support.

To Michelle Eck. Simply put, I wouldn't be where I am today without you. Thank you for guiding me through this process and last minute screen shots of missing punctuation. I learn something new from you every time we talk. I appreciate your encouraging words and unwavering support for this book. Most of all, thanks for being a friend.

To KK (Krista Ashe/Katie Ashley). I think about how we met and it's very interesting how God put all of us together. I am thankful to call you an ILR friend. Thank you for all that you do for me, for making me a better writer.

To Karen Russell. I don't know what I'd do without your eagle eyes. Well, and your ability to tell me what is unique to the United States and the South. Thank you for always giving my books a final proofread. I am forever indebted to you. Actually, thank you doesn't seem like enough.

To my street team. Thank you so much for always being willing to jump, then saying how high. Your dedication to making sure people know who I am and read my books is amazing. I am truly blessed to have you in my life.

I can't even begin to name the hundreds of bloggers who have been influential in my life without leaving someone off, so I won't name them. At the blogger's brunch in Las Vegas, I said it best. Without you, I'd still be begging my family members for grocery money. Thank you for helping me make writing my career. Thank you for your support for our family.

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