The Chronicles of Narnia and a Different World - 4

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Chapter 4

 Caspian ended up in a tunnel he looked around.

“i'm so stupid” Hermione said slapping herself on the forehead “what if we could recreate the ball of light, well kind of”

“how so” Edmund said

“it's called the Patronus Charm” she said “it's a spirit guardian, but also a messenger, we could use it to message the others to us or even Aslan.” she said hopeful

Eustace sighed “or each other”

“at least they'll be together and easier to find” Edmund said “worth a shot” Edmund smiled at Hermione

“lets do it then” she said stepping back from them “Expecto Patronum” she said they watched as the Patronus flew out the tent

Caspian stepped back as he saw a ball of light coming towards him. it stopped infront of him, he reached out and touched it. Caspian ended up following it and it lead him to the hospital.

“hi I’m looking for a” he said to the front desk. he looked to his right “her” he pointed to a picture.

“sorry visiting hours aren't for a couple of hours come back at 5pm”

“Eustace” they shouted as he started evaporate in to thin air. She grabbed him and Edmund grabbed her. They landed in a tunnel “Eustace” Edmund said looking at him

“in my bag is Lucy's Healing Cordial. I thought we'd need it” she said looking at Edmund's expression.

“here” he passed it to her, he watched her as she dropped the potion in Eustace's mouth

“he'll be fine, how are you”

“I'm fine”

Eustace sat up and smiled “thanks” he said rubbing his head “look” he pointed at the Patronus.

“i guess it found something or someone” she said “we should follow it” she said getting up.

Edmund helped Eustace up and Eustace put his arm around him. “are you okay to walk”


they then followed the Patronus.

now this is my dear friend is where I think the story starts to get interesting, pay attention” said the old man

Peter didn't say anything he was too intrigued with the story. 

“Edmund” said a voice in his head he looked at Hermione who had her hands either side of her head. He recognized it straight away.

“come with me Edmund I can make this all go away” the white witch said. Lucy screamed covering her ears, a nurse ran in the room.

“Lucy, Lucy” she said in a hushing tone “it's just a dream Lucy” Lucy slowly dropped her hands

“no” she mouthed “it's not” she sat back, tears fell down he face, the nurse was hugging her by this point.

“Caspian?” he woke up to his neighbour looking at him oddly “you fainted, here”

“thank you” he said watching the water it rippled

Peter gasped “Aslan” he looked around he as still his lecture but he had fallen asleep.

“dude, are you alright” his friend asked

Peter just nodded.

“who's Aslan?”

“That hasn't happened to me in a long time” Edmund said sitting next to Hermione “are you both alright? I didn't think it would affect both of you to”

“If we heard it” Eustace said looking at his feet “do you think others did?”

“Maybe, it might be connected” Hermione said

“Maybe” Edmund said.  

The Chronicles of Narnia and a Different WorldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz