Part I ~ The Sea

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Deuteronomy 33:19 "They shall call the people unto the mountain; there they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness: for they shall suck of the abundance of the seas, and of treasures hid in the sand."

"Mother, what is a mer-maid?"

"Why, Kasha, why would you even ask a question like that?"

"Jagger said his father saw one."

"How many times have I told you not to speak with that boy? Mermaids are not real, but of the imagination. You mustn't think about them."

"Why mustn't I?"

"Because they're evil. Now Kasha."

"But mother! How can they be evil if they do not even exist?"

Kasha looked upon the ocean and shuddered. She couldn't get on that ship. She couldn't. She twisted her light colored braid around and around her fingers, weaving the end of it between her whole hand. Those waves. That water. It looked dark and evil. How could that bring safety?

"Be brave," Her mother whispered, holding onto Kasha's brother's hands. "For all of us. For your father's sake."

Kasha nodded holding back tears that she would not shed. She was brave. When it came to rational, sensible things at least.

But the ocean was neither rational nor sensible. Still she tried to shake the fear away.

"Here," Kasha's mother pushed the young boy towards the girl. "Take care of Patrick with all your might. Don't let him out of your sight."

Kasha took the his arm. But he didn't seem to acknowledge the change. He looked at the sea with fascination. He obviously loved it.

"Goodbye children! God be with you!"

"Goodbye, mother." Kasha looked over her mother's shoulder. Kasha could not look into her eyes, nor return the blessing. She didn't even want to think about God.

The mother hugged the boy tightly. He returned the hug somewhat. Then Kasha hugged her mother also.

"You'll be fine once you reach your cousins'. I'll come as soon as I can. Then all this craziness will be over."

Kasha nodded. She tried to hide her disbelief. Life could never peaceful for them. Never. Why even try? She just wanted to stay home.

At that moment the captain walked up, keeping Kasha from breaking her resolve to not cry. "Ma'am, I'll take very good care of them. No need to worry."

"Thank you sir." Kasha's mother bowed her head then stepped back, a final act of bidding farewell.

And then they boarded, Kasha holding tightly to Patrick.

It didn't take Kasha long to find her cabin. Once she did, she pulled Patrick in and sat him against the wall. "Stay there," She said.

He did so, and started picking at his coat. She sat herself down beside him and cried.

"Oh, Perry!" Only she called him by this name. She had a special connection with him that not even she understood. The boy looked up startled, suddenly noticing his sister's tears.

"You ookay?" He slurred.

She looked at him through her tears. She loved her Perry, but it was because of him that life was so bad. He could have been almost handsome, she thought. His beautiful red hair was worth dying for. But he had been born with out a mind. Daft.

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