■His Popularity ■

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Riele Claire Down's

We walked in the smell of sweat panick and snobby girls hit my nose.I observed and everything looked as it would seem big kids then small kids then the kids who seem big but aren't really big."So we all have to get our schedule so we have to see Mrs.Martinez I think it was"Ella says and she leads us to her office."Hey"Piper said to the waved dark haired women who wore glasses and red lipstick."Hello let me guess freshman and you looking for you schedule well I help you out"she says in her Hispanic accent.

"hmm I need your names are you guys and from this list?"she says handing us a paper of the freshman's in the school and we search for pur names."I'm Jace Norman"Jace says and she starts typing and a paper prints put from the copier next to her."Riele Downs"I say and she types a little longer then bites her lip."What's wrong Mrs?"I say and she shakes her head."The copier is going slow just take one minute"she says and I nod.

The paper slips out the copier and then millions start flying out everywhere.All I could see was paper flying in mg face.SpI was ripping the paper off my face but it kept coming back .Everyone was struggling and we were all bumping into each other screaming but laughing.then it stopped and the papers scattered to the ground and she sighed.

"well"she says and  sits back down getting ready to type again."Sean and Ella"Sean says to her and she prints their paper put and hands it to them."Um do you need help?"Jace ask and she shakes her head."I'll do it just leave it there for now"she said AMD we nod and walk off looking at our schedule.

I grabbed Jace's and we almost had the same schedule but he has science but I have math with Ella."Dang it we don't have the same class for this period."I say and from then he punches my lip and I laugh."ouch"I say and rub my lip adding for lip gloss to my lips."Okay first period we all have home room?"Sean asks and we all agree and we walk to room 12 on the second floor to our homeroom who are teacher was Mr.Gladstone.

"welcome please tale a seat and where ever you sit is you assigned seat to further notice"he tells us and I nod."Should we sot in the back corner?"I ask and the nod it was right by a exit door so I guess that's good.Jace takes the first seat next to the exit door and  I sit by him then exactly next to us in a different row Ella and Sean sat together.

I stutued everyone there were a group of girks that I knew would hate me or I would hate them or we would both here each other.There was a fairly tall brunette then a blonde and another brunette."Snobs"I whisper to Jace and he shrugs."The tall one looks cute"he says and I turn to him and raise my eyebrow."I thought you were only looking at me"I say and he chuckles."Not funny don't go focusing on other girls where is the time for me?"I ask and cross my arms."I was just kidding"he said laughing and I roll my eyes.

"So funny"I say and he dies laughing but I nudge him to stop when the teacher clears his throat and begins speaking."Welcome guys this is your first time in highs school and I'm here to make it easier for you to learnand to help you continue to want to go to high school some people haven't made it there."he says his deep toned voice echoed the walls and I smiled trying not to laugh.

"work with me and I will work with you I am Mr.Gladstone but call me Mr.G I am married  I have two daughters in high school and a son in college I know a lot of about everything that could be going on with you guys I am here to understand."he says and I sigh wishing I had ate more this morning."Here"Jace whispers and slides me a price of chocolate and I eat him savoring the flavour that melted in my mouth.

"I am also your science teacher so you all will be swing me through out the day.Well with the remaining time we have please go around and introduce yourself to people."he finished and went to his desk and watched as students walked around but me,Have,Sean and Ella all stayed seated as people walked to us."Hello"the tall brunette me AMD Jace were talking about came up to us with her minions.

"Hello"me and Jace say in sync."I'm Meave this is Breanna and this is Jade."she says and I wave spans so does Jace."Oh hello there what's your name?"she looked at Have twirling her hair."His name is Jace and mine is Riele"I answered for him also letting her know my name."I'm sire Jace has a voice huh"she says taking her eyes away from me and putting them on Jace again."What she said"be said to her and she rolled her eye laughing."What are two dating or something?"she asked and I laughed."No were not just bestfriends along with them"I said pointing to Sean and Ella."Nice to know"she said and they walked off.

"Told you I wasn't gonna like her"I told have and he laughed.

Lunch time... Jace had been offered so many opportunities like being on the football team or basketball team and the girls couldn't seen to take there eyes off him.It bothered Riele but she kept it in taking her attention away from it.

"Mind if I sit with the seniors the asked me to sot with them and I couldn't decline"he said to us as we sat at a table in the back."okay"I say and take my book away from the spot I had saved him."In every class starting after the first one he always moved his seat to sit with someone else...I don't like it"I say and look over at him

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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