Chris and Claire Redfield.

Start from the beginning

"Eww... Gross." I shuddered while sticking my tongue out in disgust and Chris nodded in agreement, taking a firm hold on my arm without getting the things attention. "Now you know why we call them Lickers, run!" He yelled and we ran as fast as our legs could carry, dragging me along by my arm.

When I took a quick glance back over my shoulder I noticed the Licker roar in anger, jumping down onto the floor behind us with a big thud. It started to run after us like a hunter and its prey, jumping between the floor and walls to move even faster, determined to get us no matter what! "It's getting closer on us Chris, we're screwed!" I yelled in panic while trying to keep my gaze on it to make sure it wasn't near us and not trip on my own feet.

Chris frowned, quickly letting go of me and Claire, and pulled out his gun."Well let show this piece of shit what we can then..." He smiled while reloading his gun and turning to Claire who did the same with her gun, only a little more careful since she still got a injured hand. "Claire aim at its head, we have to kill it before we get to the car!"

"You got it." She answered and another Licker jumped out of nowhere and tackled me far away from them, I rolled on the floor and hit a wall. I groaned, my body aching from the impact, and lifted my head up. The first thing I saw when looking was the Licker that taclled me, it growled and walked towards me slowly... Tongue slithering towards me to grab me. I screamed when the tip of it touched my leg, getting up from the floor, and took fast breaths while backing as far away as I could. "Help me! I'm trapped!" I yelled at the top of my lungs in panic and saw the Licker crouch down, baring its pearl white teeth, and pounced towards me with its claws first!

But... It got shot in the head before it even reached me, so instead it fell to the floor with a thud and laid dead... A big wound with blood flowing out being seen on its head. When I looked behind the dead Lickers body I noticed a guy standing there with a gun in his hand, did he just save me? He reached out his hand for me, helping me get up.

"The names Leon, pleasure to meet you." He smiled and I nodded, now standing up a little shakily on my legs "Thank you for rescuing me, I thought it would kill me." I told him carefully and he nodded, but when I looked behind him I noticed another one of those things making itself ready to attack him like the last one did with me!

So when it jumped with it claws out and mouth open I yelled to Leon while reaching out both my hands. "LOOK OUT!"

Before he even had a chance to react and reach for his gun I felt the tentacles from before sprout out from my hands and... Stab the creature in its head, parts of its brain flying everywhere and on everyone. I breathed hard... Not again, I did it again without even trying or wanting to. My tentacles suddenly threw the creature against a wall hard, bones crushing and breaking when hitting, and retreats back into my hand. while letting them get back inside I screamed in pure horror, feeling a familiar pain spreading itself inside of me. When it was gone I fell on my knees and took shaky breaths, that was horrible.

I notice Leon get down beside me and put a hand on my back. "Whoa! Did you do that?" He whistled amazed but I shook my head, feeling dissy after the pain and a little weak . "I-I don't really know... I think I did." I told him shakily and he reached out his hand to mine and helped me up, my legs shaking but holding their place.

"You think? But..." He was about to ask me more but... Chris interrupt him.  "Leon what are you doing here? I told you to stay in the car." He asked while taking a quick glance at the hallway we came from and Leon chuckled. "I heard a scream and saw some Lickers run into the building, so I got out of the car and when I opened the door the first thing I saw was this girl here almost get attacked by one of those damn things. Who is she Chris and why..." Leon asked but Chris interrupt him again.

"Explanations later Leon, more of those things will come so we have to get away from this place... Now!" He told Leon sternly and Leon said nothing at first, looking more than surprised, but after a while he sighed. "You're right, let's go." He agreed and we started to run.

"What's your name girl?" Leon asked while we ran and I sighed sadly, not really wanting to talk but still doing it. "Veronica, I don't know my real last name." I said and he shrugged his shoulders, reloading his gun in case something would happen.

"If you say so." He replied and when we finally reached the car Chris got to the drivers seat with Leon got beside him at the passengers sear and Claire and I got to the backseat, we drove away when all of us were in the car. I sighed in relief and when I looked through the back window I noticed a bunch of Lickers get inside the hospital, what are they doing? We are already outside and gone so why... Wait a minute, weren't there other people in the building?

"Claire... Were we the only ones in the hospital?" I asked Claire carefully and she sighed, looking very sad, and shook her head. "No... We weren't, there were others but most of them were either dead or infected when we got there. You were just lucky that they didn't reach you in time, Wesker must have been the one who released the Lickers in the building to make sure that you would die... But the creatures had other ideas..." She told me and I looked out the window beside me, a tear falling from my eye.

"Where are we going Chris?" I asked while wiping my tear away and heard him sigh in respond, Claire looking at me worried, then he told me with a hint of anger in his voice. "Your old home... Racoon city, or at least what's left of it."

End of chapter 4.

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