Charlie and the Wolf Pack {40}

Start from the beginning

“Are we going to walk there?” I asked.

“Silence human” Flaga said.

Nick growled “You better watch how you talk to her.”

I smiled at Flaga, showing him my fangs.

“No we’ll be jumping to the castle, they can’t jump to or from my house or my grounds. Only Lamia and myself can do that” Zagan said smiling.

Once we got to the road Zagan grabbed Angie by the waist. He was also holding Dice with the other hand and she was holding on to Brad. Connor was holding one of Lix’s arms and with the other arm Lix was holding me and I was held onto Nick. That was when we jumped or flashed as they sometimes called it, to the castle.

One second were standing by that road and the next we were standing in front of a real castle. Like the old ones, it was as big and beautiful as the Queen’s in England. Flaga who no one wanted to jump with, opened the door and we walked inside. Then like an asshole Flaga had us moving so fast that I couldn’t take in my surroundings.

But finally after what felt like years we were standing in some large hall-like room, I think this was the throne room. How cool was that. There were a few people inside and I was learning that Demonkind came in colors. There was one that I thought to be King Desmond, he was a black demon with gold gymla and a crown.

There were a few other demons but the ones that stood out were the two purple demons. There was a male, he was dark purple with light purple gymla. The woman was lavender with gold gymlas and she had black hair. And just from looking at her I could tell she was pissed off.

“You are the king, we are under your rule. Where is my son?”

“Mother, I am here” Zagan said causing everyone in the room to turn and look at us.

“Zagan!” The woman yelled and flung herself at him.

She hugged him like she was afraid to ever let him go and I guess I could understand that. The man that was with her walked over to Zagan clapped him on the back. They looked so happy that none of us wanted to say anything to ruin it.

“Who are the humans?” The King asked ruining it.

Humans? Who was he calling a human?

“Zagan I was so worried, what happened to you?” Zagan’s mother asked with tears in her eyes.

“I’m afraid that’s my fault. I summoned him to the human realm” I told the room.

Zagan’s mother turned to look at me, she stared at my face studying me. And then much to my surprise she slapped me. I raised my hand to my cheek more out of surprise than anything else. Nick and Connor both growled a dangerous sound Dice hissed. Brad made some weird sound that had the hairs on the back of my neck standing at attention. And Angie, there were flames on the tip of her fingers.

“Mother” Zagan scolded.

I held my hand up waving them off “No, its okay I kind of deserved that” I turned to Zagan’s mother. “But that’s the only one you get.”

The king stood up and walked forward “Who are you people and Zagan why are you in human form?”

“Oh yes. In the human realm I best fit in wearing this form. These people are my friends Dominic and Charlotte Kane, werewolves, Alpha pair. Connor Kane and the pack’s second in command. Denise, vampire and free agent. Bradley Tate, human and half-witch. And this is Angelica Ramirez, sweet, beautiful, talented, amazing Angelica is a witch” Zagan said.

Angie blushed while Connor raised an eyebrow and boy was I with him on that one.

“How are you? Are you okay? Have they been treating you alright?” Zagan’s mother asked him.

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