Chapter Four

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I apologize for the slow updates. I will make sure to update more frequently! Thank you if you've stuck with this book. Vote or comment and you'll get a dedication.

"Do you ever feel afraid, Zayn? What do you fear?" The voices teased the back of Zayn's mind with a fury that made his head spin. "What's your biggest fear?" The word fear made him sick to his stomach, made him cringe. Zayn Malik did not feel fear.

But on his own accord, he felt the words leave his mouth. "Love."

"It's a beautiful thing, being in love." Harry said to the right of him. Zayn felt his eyes drift down to the unconscious boy below him on his bed, Why Zayn had a bed, he didn't know. He'd convinced himself it was for the charade to seem human. As a vampire, he still could sleep, but it wasn't a necessity to function like humans or werewolves, or even fairies. 

"I'm sure." He rolled his eyes, feeling himself sigh. His eyes traced the body of the sleeping boy again, taking him in, breathing his scent. He felt his throat burn as if branding irons were being shoved down it. Somehow he found himself not caring. He felt a maternal instinct towards the boy, but whether or not it was something more was not known to him.

"His name's Niall." He felt the change in the room with Harry's words, his tone soft and relaxed, as if mumbling to a baby in morning hours.

"What?" Zayn snapped his head up, a speed so fast that if he was human, it would have broke his neck undoubtedly. 

"The boy, his name's Niall. He's an acquaintance from school, I helped him a few days ago, along with Louis, when these two humans were hurting him."   Zayn felt a type of warmth run through him. Halfy because he felt anger, undeniable rage for someone hurting his Niall. He'd remember to get the names of the humans later, and then the other half... he'd never heard a name more unique for such a beautiful boy.  He felt his mind race watching the bo--Niall's eyes flutter. It would take a while for him to get used to not calling him Blond boy to himself. His eyes watched the contours of Niall again, losing the recollection of Harry even being there, losing himself in the thoughts his mind conjured.   

"I'm glad that you chose the choice that you did, Zayn. I think Niall'll be happier now," Louis said from his place on Harry's lap. He saw Harry steal a quick kiss to the cheek, and for a moment, Zayn was envious at the love they had. He wanted it, afraid or not afraid.

"I think so, too," He heard Harry mutter, the same far away tone in his voice that Zayn found himself hearing all the time, when ever Louis was around. "I'm friends with him at school, and I know that I'm not supposed to be friends with humans due to my bloodlust," Harry rolled his eyes and continued, quoting Zayn's words from weeks ago when they had first started the school there, "but he looked lonely and I be-friended him, and so did Louis. He knew that we were together and he's gay himself so he's obviously not homophobic; he accepted us well enough." He trailed off, his eyes drifting up, as if there was a way that he could look through the walls to the room where Niall was in upstairs. "He's a really good person, I don't know why he'd do that to himself."

Zayn felt a tinge of jealousy at Harry; he had a wonderful mate, he had a life out of the vampire world. He had the ability to be friends with humans and some how still only drink animal. It pained him; Louis had changed him in all the right ways. Before Louis, Zayn remembered how gruesome that Harry used to be. 

Harry used to be terrible, sucking blood from humans when he really didn't even need to, just to hear them scream. Travel town after town, using the fact that Vampires don't have finger prints to his advantage, killing to kill. He used to be gruesome, using vampires and werewolves just for fun when it came to sex and then dropping them like they were nothing.

After he met Louis, though, even Zayn could see the change in him. He became more centered around the people that he cared about, he found himself staying away from the girls and the guys and becoming stuck on one person, Louis. Louis was the cause of Harry settling down, and Zayn didn't think he would have ever been more surprised at the fact that Harry had actually went Animal diet for the boy. Louis was a nomad, traveling from place to place and never finding a home until he met Harry. Harry and him knew from the second that they locked eyes that they were mates. And Zayn knows that Harry would do anything for him.

So, yeah, call Zayn jealous, and he most likely would agree.

"I'm so glad that you chose that choice for him. I'm sure that he would have wanted it, maybe it could help with..," Louis trailed off again, looking down at his hands that were intertwined with Harry's larger ones. Zayn felt the need to look away, as if he was intruding.

"I'm going to go and check on Niall," the boy's tongue sounded out the name of the beautiful boy upstairs and felt himself get up and check on him like second instinct.

The second he stepped foot in to the room, he felt the transformation becoming more evident. The smell was different, more woodsy then anything else, the taste of the air was thick. The beating of Niall's heart was rapid, too fast to be human and too loud to be vampire. Zayn started to freak out, feeling as if maybe he did it wrong. His mind raised, wondering if he had used too much venom or if maybe he didn't bite quite right in the right place. Why did he care so much?

He moved closer slowly, as slow as a vampire could move, counting the beats of Niall's heart per the seconds that went by. 140, 139, 136. It was slowing, getting more non existing by the time.

Zayn stood over Niall, quiet for a while. He knew if he was a human, his heart would be beating probably as fast as Niall's. His ears zoomed in again, ready to hear the humming bird beats of Niall's heart, but heard nothing.

The only thing that Zayn saw were deep crimson eyes that were now locked with his.

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