I Love You!(Frey and Noel)

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A young boy sat on his parents bed, patiently waiting for the return of his mother. It was the first time he'd been left all by himself, and it felt a little weird, even though he knew it would only be for a short time. Usually his dad spent time with him when his mom went off on some kind of quest or mission, but today Noel's dad had work to do and couldn't bring his little son. Noel had tried to convince his mom to bring him along, but she said she was going out far and that it would be dangerous. He wanted to be strong just like her one day so that they could do dangerous things together and adventure together.

But for now, he was too small and young to go out and fight. So he was here, waiting. His mom said she would be back soon, and he was going to be good and be patient until she came back.

He didn't know how much time had passed, but after playing by himself for some time, the door opened, and he perked up, turning in the direction of the noise. His mom was standing in the doorway, a smile on her face despite the scratches and bruises on her arms. She bent down and held her arms to him, and Noel jumped up and ran to her as fast as he could.

"Mommy!" he exclaimed, launching himself into her arms. She grabbed him under the armpits, swinging him up into the air and making him giggle.

"Did you miss me?" she asked, bringing him closer, wrapping her arms around him as he wrapped his legs around her. He nodded happily, and she smiled, rubbing his back gently with her gloves hands.

"I waited just like you said," he said.

"Yes, and I'm very proud of you. How about a walk to the lake just out of town as a reward?" He beamed at her, mint green eyes shining.

"Really?" Frey laughed, pinching his nose.

"Really." She set him down and he hurried to put on his shoes so that they could leave. It would be the first time he left town. Maybe he would be able to see his mom in action when she fought some monsters!  Once he was ready, he went back to his mother, who was waiting for him with an outstretched hand.

"Ready?" she asked. Noel nodded happily, taking hold of her gloved hand as she lead him out. Noel had always liked the feeling of his mom's gloves; they felt familiar to him. He loved everything about his mom. He loved his dad too, of course, but if the six year old boy was being honest, his mom was his favorite.

They pass through a couple of trails, and whenever they come across something, Frey has her son take a step back. She even let him hold her smallest dagger. Her smallest dagger was almost as long as her forearm and almost as long as Noel's whole arm, but he didn't mind. He felt strong just holding it, but that was nothing compared to the giant sword his mom held. Sometimes he forgot because of her youthful features and actions, but his mom was a mature, amazing woman. One swing of her sword, along with a strong battle cry, and the monsters in their path were wiped out. And then when she turned to face him again, she had a smile on her face like it was nothing special.

He wanted to grow up and be like her. She was his hero.

"When you get older, I'll take you with me on my quests," she said. Noel puffed out his chest, proudly holding up the little dagger.

"I'm already older!" he said. She shook her head smiling.

"You've still got a lot of growing up to do," she said.

"Daddy always says I'm a big man," he said pouting.

"And he's right," she said, taking his again as they continued their walk, "but you need to be more than just big to do the things I do."

"Is that why you don't ever take Daddy? 'Cause he's not more than big?" Frey laughed, ruffling her son's hair as they finally arrived at Keeno Lake.

"No. Daddy's got all the right traits, but I don't want to put him in danger. I want to protect him and everyone else."

"And me?" Noel asked. They settled down in front of the water, watching the tiny waves on the shore.

"Yes, I want to protect you too," she said, pulling him close and settling him in her lap.

"But not when I'm older," he said with a frown.

"I'll always want to protect you, Noel," she said quietly, kissing the top of his head. "I just might not be as good at it when you're big and strong. You might have to take my job." His eyes lit up as he looked up at her.

"I can be just like you?!"

"That's right, just like me." Content with the fact that his mom had just confirmed one of his biggest dreams, he leaned back into her arms, enjoying the warmth from his mom and the sun. One day he'd be just like her, and he would protect everyone. He couldn't wait!

"Noel," Frey said, in a playful tone.


"Don't grow up too soon, okay?" She had her hands on his sides, tickling him and putting him into a fit of giggles before he could even reply. He wiggled in her group, trying to avoid the ticklish feeling from her fingertips, but with nowhere to escape to, he eventually gave in, collapsing in her arms. They played together until he had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard. That was when she finally let him go, running her fingers through his green hair that was so much like her own.

"Ready to go back? It's almost your nap time," Frey said. His body confirmed her words with a nod and a yawn, and she stood up, holding her hand out to him once again. He smiled, and grabbed her hand. When they began to walk back, he spoke up.



"I love you!" Frey looked down at him and smiled.

"I love you too!"

Noel thought that his mom was the best person in the whole world.


Ahh man~ This took me an absurd amount of time to write, considering the person who requested it had given me so many suggestions and direction. This should have been my fastest update but I ended up taking such a long time! I'm sorry :(

The next one-shot coming up is the harem one, which I'm honestly looking forward to writing. Maybe I won't take as long this time (;¬_¬). Anyway, as always, requests are welcome and I'll see you next time!

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