Kayla ?

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The walk back to wherever they were

going was mostly uneventful, a

bit of friendly banter floated about as we

walked through the emerald green

canopy. But mostly the group stayed silent,

each of us wrapped up in our own

thoughts to speak much. It was fun

though, Maisie kept us entertained by

morphing into each of us and Debbie

kept the weather sunny (well, apart

from time she accidentally made

lightning hit James and Edward... We

were alright, the lightening bounced off Edward

and the hole in James's gut healed in


"Alright, Kayla should've just came back so let's

try and not die" Edward said nervously,

as James directed Paul back into his


"Getting the hang of it I see" smiled

Maisie trying to ease the newfound

tension as they approached the large


"Yeah, what's so bad about kayla then

"? James asked puzzled by the sudden

change. No one said anything else until

they were in the camp and drawing

everybody's attention to them.

"Here she comes" Debbie said as a girl

about the same height as James, with

dark hair came storming up to them.

"So, you're the famous Kayla" James

greeted the girl as everyone else

shuffled away. "To be honest, I

thought you'd be scarier than this"

"and just who the hell are you "? Kayla


"James "

"Nice to meet you " she said holding

out a hand, James (now out of habit)

floated Paul upwards and shook

hands. While shaking hands James

noticed a small pulse head straight for

Kayla. Then suddenly, she sneezed. At

the same time James started to feel

wierd, like all he wanted to do was

make this girls life a bit easier. But with

years of deflecting his mum's mental

orders, he bounced the command

back at her.

"Right, well I think that we have

something to talk about " Kayla

whispered and then to the rest of the

camp. "All senior campers report to the

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