Chapter 8

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January 2nd, 10:27a.m.

Dalton: Hey.

January 2nd, 12:03p.m

Dalton: I’m sorry for whatever stupid thing I said last night.

January 2nd, 3:34p.m

Dalton: Sam?

                After bringing Dalton home the night before, I had laid in bed most of the night, watching the shadows shifting across my ceiling. The only reason I had moved was because Tara had called through a crack in my door that I needed to get ready for work or I was going to be late. Now, I was slowly sweeping the old wooden floor sluggishly, continuously blinking sleep from eyes.

                Dalton, thankfully, hadn’t tried calling or texting me after I had made it obvious I didn’t want to talk. The door to the shop dinged and the cashier called a greeting as I scraped a small pile of dirt into the dustpan, dumping it into the trash.

                “Hey.” Someone said meekly. I turned, seeing Ava standing there with a closed-mouth smile. Her fingers were closed in small fists, wrapped around her sleeves as she shifted nervously, eyes scanning the walls of the store.

                “Hey. Looking for something in particular?” I questioned, leaning against the broom. She nodded, blue eyes glimmering slightly.  I had never seen Ava look happier anywhere else. Bookstores were her safe zones.

                “Something old. Antique.” One corner of her mouth hitched up and I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what she needed it for.

                “I didn’t realize you were exchanging gifts.”

                “We aren’t. It’s a joke.”

                “Ha. Ha.” She shook her head at me, annoyance spreading across her face, before she turned away and brushed her fingers against the books on the closest shelf.

                “Do you have something?” She questioned, her voice far off. Why are you hiding?  A small sigh swept past my lips and she faced me at the sound, quirking a petite brow. She was paler than usual and her hair seemed to be thinner. She was thinner. Again.

                “Yea. We do.” Jerking my head into the direction of the back of the store, I beckoned for her to follow me. Ava, stop doing this to yourself, I whispered silently. Finding the old, faded blue cover on the back shelf, I delicately pulled it from the shelf, afraid of holding it too roughly. Tentatively, I opened the book, gently flipping the pages, as if they would crumble at the slightest touch. “So old, there isn’t even a publication date.” I handed to her and she cradled it as hesitantly as I had, the tiniest flicker of a smile hanging on her lips.

                “Thanks. I owe you one.”

                “If I let you use my discount, can you buy me a coffee?” I asked and she blinked, frowning down at me, as if finally realizing that I was two seconds away from falling asleep on the floor.

                “Yea, ok.” She shrugged, following me to the front of the bookstore so I could ring up her item. She snagged a pack of sugar-free gum below the counter and placed it in front of me. Very slowly, I looked at the gum, and back to her.

                “You sure?” I asked. She nodded, not meeting my gaze for a moment. Pulling out her receipt, I scribbled something down on the paper, placing it inside her book. “Want a bag?”

Cold Coffee and Stale Cigarettes *on hold*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin