7: Meet The Team (R.I.P. Lance)((LANCE DOESNT ACTUALLY DIE!!))

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((*🤷‍♀️Rip everyone who thought it was (Y/N) who woke up at that moment... sowwy.))

Keith's Point of View

Lance cups his mouth and throws back his head, "DADDY WOKE UP!" Shiro winces due to the sudden loud noise but quickly goes back to normal.

"Keith..." I pull Shiro back and look at him. "Yes Shiro?" He gets close to me and growls in my ear, "Was that a fucking clone of me, posing as me to my family?" I gulp. "Yes..." I turn and look at his face. His ears glow red and his eyes have a glaze of yellow. He stands up and I see his arm start to glow purple. Oh quizznak...

Pidge runs through the door and looks at Shiro. His anger quickly fades at the sight of her. She smiles and runs towards him, arms spread wide. Shiro kneels down and hugs Pidge. Allura, Hunk and Coran come running in and join in the hug, Lance jumps in as well.

I look to the door frame and see the clone Shiro standing there, he looks hurt and like he knows he's gonna be booted out. He looks over at me, I shake my head and motion for him to go. He frowns. I motion that Shiro is pissed. The clone nods his head and walks out. I sigh and look at the group hug. Coran is the first to call me over, soon the whole team is. "I'm not a hugger guys." Allura rolls her eyes, reaches over and yanks me the fuck into the hug. That was honestly terrifying but I give in.

I hear steam behind me and immediately jump towards it with my arms open. She falls into my arms and I hold her close. I glance at my team, they stare at us with their eyes widened. I lightly smile and hug (Y/N). "Not a hugger... riiight." Hunk pokes fun at my previous statement. I scoff as she hugs me back.

Your Point of View

I hug Keith and feel safe in his arms. I'm still a little dazed and confused; ha that's an Earth movie; but I feel a lot better. Actually, I feel great. In fact, I've never felt so good in my entire life. That pod must have done something right.

I look over at the large crowd, consisting of only one familiar face. The stare at me with strange looks, except for Shiro. I blush and push Keith away, slightly embarrassed. He doesn't let go easily but he does let go. I face the group and awkwardly wave, "Uh... hi... I'm (Y/N) (L/N)............. thanks for putting me in that pod thing... it helped." An elegant and beautiful woman steps towards me, "Hello, (Y/N). I am Princess Allura. The pod thing you are referring to is a healing pod, but I'm glad it did, in fact, work for you." I smile, she seems friendly... and I like her accent.

A young girl goes to take a step and talk, but she's cut off by a tall lanky (skinny) boy. He slides up to me and gets in my personal space, "The names, Lance, but you can call me your future boyf-" Before I even get a chance to take matters into my own hands, Keith shoves Lance back, maybe a bit too hard because he falls on his ass, "HEY! BACK OFF MAN!" I cover my mouth in shock, embarrassment, feeling bad and laughter. Yes, all of those at once. Lance looks at Keith in surprise and stands up, "sorry..."

The young girl clears her throats and steps forwards once again, "Hi, I'm Pidge, I'm the paladin of the green lion... Lance is the paladin of the blue lion... he wasn't kind enough to properly introduce himself." She shoots Lance a glare and Lance crosses his arms. I smirk, "Wow Lance, you look like Keith." Everyone looks over from Lance to see Keith in the same exact position. They all laugh and Pidge even high fives me. Lance puts his hands in his pockets and Keith puts one on his head... but it doesn't seem like he's annoyed... he seems... in pain?

I try to shake it off as a strong husky guy introduces himself, "Hey I'm Hunk, and I'm the paladin of the yellow lion." He puts out his hand and I shake it with a smile.

A tall man with reddish orange hair and a mustache introduces himself last, "Hello there (Y/N)! I'm Coran!" He's very chipper and shares the same accent as Allura.

I go to express my appreciation to meet them buuut... I heard Keith growl. It was so quiet, I'm surprised I even heard it. I turn towards him and hold his arms, "Keith?" His eyes are being held shut strongly, but as I say his name, they open calmly. He shakes his head and holds my hands, "It's ok, (Y/N). I'm fine." He lightly smiles and I look at our hands. His fingers are purple. I look back up at him with worried eyes. He keeps his smile, "I promise." I smile at him and take his word... but I can't help but doubt it.

Time Skip

Throughout the day, I befriended most of the team, except for Lance. I've been trying to say sorry to him for how Keith reacted and the joke I made, but Mr. Overprotective-Emo has been keeping me away from him. I got Keith to change out his prisoner clothes and into his normal attire and boy he looks even hotter. The team spent the day trying to keep clone Shiro away from real Shiro, so RS (Real Shiro) doesn't kill CS (Clone Shiro). Now... it's sleep time...

I say I can sleep on the floor and that I can sleep anywhere, buuuut Keith refuses and says I can sleep in his bed, but I refuse that he sleeps anywhere else but his bed, so I guess we're sleeping together again. Not that I mind...

It's normal we get comfy. In bed clothes. Back to back. I'm about to fall asleep when, I hear a thud and Keith starts groaning, "A-A-Ahh." I sits up and look over. He's on the floor in a ball, holding his head. I scream, "KEITH!" I jump out of bed and try to get him to talk, or just have any response other than cries of pain.

The door opens and I don't even look. I hear a gasp and someone runs over. I glance to the person on my left. It's.... a weird looking Shiro.... the.. clone Shiro? He looks at me and back at Keith. Before I have time to react, he picks Keith up in his arms and runs out the room. "HEY!" I run after him.

I'm hot on pursuit, but I don't know where we're going. Clone Shiro runs into a room and I smack straight into the door. I fall on my back both from having the air knocked out me and my face feeling like it's broken. My vision is blurry and my hearing is echoey. "(y-y/n-y/n-Y/N!) (Y/N!) (Y/N!)" My name echoes and rings through my ears. A blurred figure hovers above me.

Everything becomes clear and I see Pidge's face over top of me screaming my name. I gasp and sit up. She falls back, surprised. "Keith..." "What?" "KEITH!" I jump up and run through the door. I don't even study the surroundings. All I see is Fake Shiro and no Keith.



Guys I'm really sorry. I said I'd get this to you on Thursday and now it's Sunday. I'm also sorry but I love this book so much and I enjoy writing it but I'm overwhelmed with so much going on in my life right now that I'm going to take a break. Like I said I'm so sorry and this will not be the end. I'm just taking a break for a little while till my life settles out a bit better. I'm also sorry, I do not know how long I'll be but I love you all! Thank you so much for the endless support! I hope you can understand! ~ Cutebabynyancat101 ❤️ <3

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