Haunted By My Past, Afraid of My Future

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( Listen to the song when I tell you to.)

You came home after work, exhausted. It was already 11:30 p.m. and you couldn't go anymore.

You put down your work bag, put on your oversized t-shirt you normally slept in, and laid down in bed. Closing your eyes, you immediately fell asleep, your chest rising and falling slowly with each breath. That's when you had the dream... the one you had every night. Actually, it wasn't a dream. It was a nightmare, a flashback that haunted you for years.

*In Your Dream*

You watch, and follow a ten year old version of yourself walk home from school, side by side with your best friend Bruce. There was nothing romantic about your relationship at all. You were just friends and both of you liked it that way.  You watched your childhood self walk to your house already knowing what was going to happen. You tried to yell out a warning, but as usual, it wasn't heard. You couldn't run up and pull your younger self away.

You already knew it was too late when you saw yourself walk through an already open front door and let out a terrified and grief filled scream. You knew what it was she saw. The dead bodies of your parents on the floor, drowning in their own blood, their glazed over eyes looking in your direction.

You watched, in your nightmare, as Bruce, who had no readable expression on his face, wrapped you up in a hug and led you away while the cops did their job. He understood you, because he had been through the same thing. It was one of the reasons you two were as close as you were.

>You wake up <

You woke up to the sound of your phone going off with the alarm you had set on it (Play the song) .

You quietly sung the song as you sat up, wiping the sweat off your forehead.

"This is gospel for the fallen ones

Locked away in permanent slumber

Assembling their philosophies

From pieces of broken memories..."

 You sighed as you turned off the alarm and looked at your calendar. Being the co-owner of a successful company meant parties, meetings, and appearances. Luckily, Bruce was the other co-owner, and he made going to all these formal events worthwhile.

You got ready and ate a quick breakfast before going to work. It was the same boring routine, every day, but today... you felt like it was going to be different. You didn't exactly know how.. but you felt like something new was going to happen, and you almost felt excited for what the day might bring.

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