Chapter 1: "The Beginning"

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Merlin: "To tell the truth, today I wanted to ask you for a day off, but now I just don't have the heart to leave you alone, Arthur."

Arthur: "A free day? You mean duty- free? There is no such thing for you, Mer-lin."

Merlin: "And you didn't even care to hear my reason~"he murmured humorously.

Arthur turned around and walked away from him towards the table that had his breakfast on it. He sat down and started his first meal of the day.

Arthur: "No reason is more important than me, I am the king after all," he said with a glimpse of arrogance, but then a smile escaped his lips and Merlin rolled his eyes.

Merlin:"I'm sorry to let you know this, but there is ONE reason."

The younger man walked up to Arthur and positioned himself on his right side, where he promised to always be.

Merlin: "My mother is now living in the Lower town of Camelot. She came a week or so ago, but I didn't get a chance to visit her yet. That is the reason for my request."

Arthur:"Your mother... Hunith, if I'm not mistaken!"

Merlin: "That's her name yes."

Arthur: "Maybe I could go with you? I still haven't thanked her aproprietly for sheltering us after you saved me. She was really nice to me. I must tell her how grateful I am."

Merlin only shook his head, getting a shocked almost hurt expression from Arthur.

Merlin: "I am sorry, Sire. I wish to spend this day alone with my mother. She is very important to me and I miss her a lot. There is still so much I want to talk to her about."

Arthur: "Of course..." he exclaimed trying to hide the hurt from his voice, but he soon changed his mood when he put down his fork and stood up from his seat. Excitement clearly shown on his face, he walked to one of the cupboards next to his bed. He searched through its insides and pulled out a small wooden box, opened it and once seeing what was inside he smiled a big sincere smile.

He walked back to Merlin and opened the box towards him, showing what was inside. Merlin's eyes opened wide when the insides revealed a small red cushion and a 1.2 inches big silver hair pin with a dragon on the front side.

Arthur: "A dragon for the mother of the last dragon lord," he said smoothly.

Merlin Blinked a few times to clear his vision and looked at Arthur with such love in his eyes it made Arthur almost loose his focus and weaken his knees. Regardless of the power leaving him, he added a few words to his already powerful statement.

Arthur: "Give this to your mother. It is supposed to bring good luck to its owner, and tell her how grateful I am to her. For EVERYTHING she's done so far."

Merlin: "I'm not sure I know what you mean by that..." he said while taking the now closed box from Arthur.

Arthur: "You are not the one who is supposed to know, Merlin. I'm sure she will understand what I mean."

Merlin: "Does this mean I can go?" he asked with a glow in his eyes.

Arthur:"Your request has been approved."

Merlin's face suddenly lit up and his lips curled up into a big goofy grin. He pulled Arthur into a quick hug and then turned around walking to the door of Arthur's bedroom.

Arthur: "I expect a warm bath in the evening after the sun sets and IF I hear even a single WHISPER about you being in the tavern, I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF."

Merlin bowed his head saying a quick "Sire." and then left.

Once the doors closed, Arthur was left alone to continue his meal and smile upon remembering how beautifully Merlin's eyes shone with excitement and gratefulness.

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