Chapter #50 ~ Encountering Again...

Depuis le début

"You left the country and it was just 'normal'...?" Futaba said.

"While you were guys off having fun, things here have gotten a bit more problematic." Morgana said.

And the news showed a, Mask, calling card, and Phantom Thieves merchandise.

"I didn't know they sold that kind of stuff." Futaba said.

Akechi gave some comments on the Phantom Thieves and Sojiro wen't to the bathroom.

"I finished the analysis. You know, of the data..." Futaba said to Akira. "Wanna meet now?" Futaba asked.

Akira is getting really sleepy because of jet lag. "Seriously? Jet lag?" Futaba said. "Fine then. Tomorrow." Futaba said.

~Back To Hinata's~

"I finished the analysis. You know, of the data..." Futaba's voice.

Hinata was eavesdropping to their conversation. "Data... Analysis...? What...?" Hinata said. "I need to find more about that guy..." Hinata said.

~Makoto's View~

Makoto was studying and Sae came home. "Hey, Sis." Makoto greeted her sister.

"You just got back from your trip and you're already studying? How diligent." Sae commented.

"I have souvenirs for you." Makoto said.

"...The principal of Shujin Academy has passed away." Sae said. (A/N:👏👏👏 *Claps* 10/10 best older sister.)

And Makoto was so shock to hear about this. "He suddenly stopped while crossing the road and was struck by a large vehicle. Death by external trauma. They say suicide seems to be strong possibility..." Sae said.

"Principal Kobayakawa committed suicide...!?" Makoto asked in surprise.

"But would someone about to kill themselves try to go to the police station? He even use a taxi to get there." Sae said.

"Do you mean... This might be another incident?" Makoto said.

"Even if he had a sudden shift in his state of mind... It's still unnatural. I can only he had a 'change of heart.'" Sae said.

"Are you saying he was targeted by the Phantom Thieves!?" Makoto asked. "But that's impossible...!" Makoto said.

"How are you sure?" Sae asked.

"W-Well... In prior cases, the changes of the heart seemed to be done to make people confess their crimes. It's hard to explain, but it's definitely heard to explain." Makoto said.

"Did Principal Kobayakawa seem any different to you lately?" Sae asked.

"I don't really know." Makoto said.

"I see... Sorry to bother you." And Sae leaved.

"This is really bad... I should tell this to the others." Makoto said.


It was the next day, the vice principal that the principal egghead past away.

~HK View~

"(Y/N) is right here now?!" Kazoki asked.

"Yup, so are we gonna catch her now or what?" Hinata asked.

"It's has to be now!" Kazoki said.

"By the way, how was going to your... Info thingy?" Takeshi asked about the Frizzy-hair.

[DISCONTINUE] Persona 5 | Akira Kurusu X Reader | The Heart Of The JokerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant