Through her eyes

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Dedicate to thebang1402 thank you for the patience :)



"What are you doing here?"

I rolled my eyes. "What, can't I pop in to see my lovely baby sis?"

Serene arched an eyebrow at me. "I saw you last weekend. Barely five days ago."

I brought a hand to my heart, faking offense. "Oh! Why do you break my heart like this, Pebbles? I thought you loved me."

She rolled her eyes, predictably. "I just meant ... I thought you'd have plans this weekend. That's why I came the last one. Didn't we say that?"

"That was before ..."

"Before what?" she frowned, and I didn't miss that, one, she was dressed up, two, she still wouldn't let me in the apartment. Mmh ... I think I might have a human sized punching ball to work out on this weekend.

"Before ... before." I replied vaguely, eyeing her apartment. That was before my plans got ruined, that's what. It was before Silvia started dating that guy, before I lost my battle, before ... ugh, whatever.

It's not like I was gonna do anything anyways. I mean, yeah, ok, maybe I'd vacated my weekend to take her out, so? It's a good thing that killjoy came to stand between us, right? This way I can't be tempted to drag her into my fucked up world.

She saved herself from the impending doom, I guess. And yeah, maybe I'm jealous because right now there's some dude holding my girl, kissing her, caressing her and who knows what not, but that doesn't mean it's bad. I'm jealous. Good. I learnt what if feels like. One more experience I can put in my life resume along with got drunk at the worst moments, nearly killed a man at least five times, nearly got raped in jail.

The last one was a funny one, though. There was this dude that wanted to make of me his prison wife ... had to teach him I'm no one's bitch. Funny how even convicts learn fast that you're not some pretty face they can play with when you kinda send a dark and stormy gorilla to the infirmary.

Jail is like playground, really. It's the realm of the bullies, so either you become a bully or you succumb to bullies. It's as simple as that. And the only way you can do that is by showing them you're the toughest. Darwin said it, after all. Survival of the fittest.

"Jake? What's going on?" My sister questioned, slyly closing the door just a little more.

I arched an eyebrow at her. "You tell me. What's going on?"

She paled, oh yeah, she paled. "Nothing ..."

"You suck at lying, sis."

"It's ... I'm fine."

I cracked my knuckles, knowing that always works on her in these cases. "Alright, what's his name and where is he?"

"Jake ..."

"Either you tell me or I find him. If I find him it's gonna be way worse, Pebbles, you know that." Stupid, hormonal kids. Can't they go pestering some other chick? Why always my sister? I really don't wanna be a bad wolf, but these kids force my hand.

Serene sighed, leaning against the door, I bet not to let me pass, yet trying to be nonchalant. "There's no one."

"Then why aren't I allowed in the apartment for which, by the way, I pay?"

She snorted. "You don't pay for the apartment. It's ours." It belongs to our family, that is. Perks of being born awfully rich, you've got houses everywhere, including New York City.

I'm Here to Fix You - Broken Souls Series #2Where stories live. Discover now