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Breathing heavily, I rang the door-bell on the front door, before seeing my beautiful mother answer. I quickly entered the hallway, closing the door behind me.

"Lexi cosa stai facendo qui? Non sapevo che stavi venendo"

(Lexi what are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming)

Lexi didn't say anything; my eyes suddenly became glassy and I just hugged my mother.

"Ho bisogno della mia mamma"

(I needed my mum)

Marzia just nodded at pregnant daughter, holding me close, before pulling away, placing her hands on my bump.

"Come è mio grandbaby"

(How's my grandbaby?)

"Lei va bene, ancora in attesa di un calcio, sta muovendo, solo non calci ancora" she sighed to herself

(She is fine, still waiting for a kick, she is moving, just not kicking yet)

"Le farà, finché riesci a sentirti spostare va bene. Vuoi mangiare?" I nodded. I was feeding for two, so I was starving.

(She will, as long as you can feel her moving, she's fine. Do you want food?)

Marzia smiled and then guided her daughter to the dining room, seeing my dad and younger siblings as well as her twin. Clara stood up and hugged her sister.

"Hi" I spoke quietly

"Hey twin, I missed you" she grinned

"We all did, let's get some food in you, feed the little munchkin" she grinned, guiding her sister to the chair.

Marzia had presented beef stroganoff for Sunday dinner, with sweet potato. I of course cleared my plate, before burping loudly.

"Pardon me" I smiled "Grazie mamma". Marzia winked at her daughter, sipping on her wine.

"So how have you been?" My step father, asked. Antonio was the best adopted step father I could ever ask for.

"Well, honestly, things could be better, but I don't want to talk about it" I told them.

"Oh...sorry to hear that darling" he spoke in his Mexican accent/

"It's fine. Am I not ever meant to have a normal happy life?" I asked.

"You will once the baby arrives" Marzia spoke in English/American, Rogelio didn't understand Italian.

"How do you know that? It could be the same, I am basically raising daughter in one room, surronded by a family who hate me and that our lives are always in danger"

"You are surronded by a family who love you" Marzia pointed out "And friends, your friends were happy to see you"

"And look what I missed out on. Kayla had a baby with Alex, Tilesha moved in with Jake, and Mia finally admitted she was into girls and not boys, though on the positive side, I could hook her up wth Ruby" I mumbled the last part.

"Who's Ruby?" Rogelio asked

"Oh, my best friend from...work" I didn't know how to put it.

"Oh, and what is she doing now?" he asked.

"Helping me find the rest of the girls, and being on house arrest, she was at the gender reveal for a few hours"

"Now I remember" he smiled

"Do you still love Jamie?" Clara asked, out of the blue.

"What do you think?" I asked her, rubbing her head in frustration. "Look, let's not talk about me all the time" I said to them.

Red & Blue ▪  Blue Bloods ▪ Jamie Reagan - CANCELLEDWhere stories live. Discover now