Chapter 2

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So things were not looking good for us. Takkar burned the earth scroll, he knocked me out, he left Tamen that curse mark which was a complete burden on him and he left Sayla defenseless. Sayla was the only one left standing and she had the heaven scroll. This was a perfect position for some other team to attack us and take our heaven scroll. After some while of screaming in pain, Tamen fell unconscious. Both of us just laid on the ground, unconscious.

"Guys, I hope that you wake up early and help me survive. I really need some help surviving. I can't do this on my own."said Sayla as she anxiously waited for us to wake up.

Sayla had made camp next to a river where she caught some fish and had filled up a few bottles of water. Then suddenly three warriors appeared from the tress behind Sayla. She was scared to death. Two of the warriors were male and one was female. One of the male warriors had long white hair, a white bandage covering his face except for one eye. The second male had black spiky hair and he was wearing some sort of protective head gear. I know, it seems out of whack but who am I to judge a person's fashion sense. So the female had black and long hair.

"Who are you?"asked Sayla.

"We are warriors from the village hidden in the sound."said the guy with the white bandage on his head.

"Village hidden in the sound?"asked Sayla.

"Yes. The village hidden in the sound."said the guy with the weird fashion sense.

"We are here for the warrior exams and we will pass this exam. So hand over the scroll little girl and we'll consider letting you live."said the girl.

Just near in the bushes, team eight was watching.

"Oh great. They're gonna kill her because she won't hand over that scroll because she is stubborn."said Ino.

"Don't you want her to fail?"asked Urki.

"Yeah, but I want to be the one who beats her and I also don't want Tamen to fail."said Ino.

"I bet Tenshay only wants to eat at this moment."said Urki.

"Why are you guys always making fun of my eating habits?"asked Tenshay.

"Why do you eat too much?"asked Ino.

"Because I love eating. It's my hobby."said Tenshay.

"Well there are other hobbies as well."said Ino.

"Guys, let's try to focus on the fact that Sayla just might get killed."said Urki.

"Oh yeah."said Tenshay.

Just near was team ten, which is the team of the guy with bushy hair Lee, a girl in a pink dress Jayma, and that arrogant kid who almost had a fight with Tamen, Neji.

"I better go and see that if there are other teams nearby."said lee.

"You know I could use my special ability."said Neji.

"But what if an enemy team is in your ability's blind spot?"asked Lee.

"Okay fine. Go ahead but comeback soon as we need to go ahead."said Neji.

Lee left his team and went out to check for other teams. It was a matter of time before Lee had reached Sayla.

"Hold on Sayla! I am here and I swear I will protect you, no matter what."said Lee.

Apparently, this guy had a crush on Sayla, in case you hadn't figured it out yet.

Normally she would've shouted at Lee but at this moment she was more happier than she ever was.

"Oh thank you, Lee."said Sayla.

"Anytime."said Lee.

"Listen here boy, we will kill you."said the guy with white hair.

"You can't kill me."said Lee.

Lee, with his lighting fast speed, kicked the guy in the air. Then he jumped after him. Looked like he was going to do the same thing he tried on Tamen. Both Lee and the guy with white hair were flying vertically in the air. Lee grabbed the guy by waist and came down head first while they were spinning. It looked absolutely painful. I swear if Lee's sensei hadn't interfered in the match after the first part, Tamen would've ended up in a hospital and if Lee had botched it, Tamen might've ended up in a grave.

That move also took it's toll on Lee, as that move put a lot of pain on his body.

"He said that he can kill me."said Lee.

When the dust settled, Lee was shocked to find the guy still standing.

"I used an earth style spell to save my teammate. And before you ask, some villagers in the village in the sound can do earth style spells."said the guy with black hair.

Earth style spells were quite rare as they were extremely hard to master and there are not many earth style spells. So Lee was gonna lose because the move he pulled off was taking it's toll on his body. He couldn't move without his body hurting so much. And with that, it was three versus one so Lee had no chance in hell.

So while Lee and the team of warriors were in a stare down, Lee's team was getting a bit worried about why it was taking Lee so long.

"Why is it taking Lee so long?"asked Jayma.

"I knew that this would happen but he just keeps on insisting that he needs to be the one to go and check."said Neji.

"Let's go and find him."said Jayma.

During this time, the three sound village warriors had done their work and Lee was lying face first on the ground.

"They defeated Lee. And Lee is stronger than Tamen which means if they attack me again and even if Tamen and Karoosh are with me, I will die."Sayla thought to herself.

And at that moment, a black aura started rising from Tamen but nobody noticed it. Everyone was just staring at each other. During this time, Lee's team had arrived at the scene. Neji saw Lee, unconscious on the ground.

"I see, you have played punching bag with our teammate."said Neji.

At this time team 8 had jumped out of the bushes.

"We're here too"said Ino.

Even though they were outnumbered and outmatched, the sound village warriors held their ground. I didn't know that it was bravery or just pure ego. The guy with the black hair pulled out a knife and got ready to throw it. As he moved his arm backwards, Tamen grabbed him by his wrist. Everyone was shocked to see Tamen. His arms and face were covered with strange marks and his power had increased in an abnormal rate.

"You think you can just come here, hurt my teammate, take our scroll and walk away? I'm sorry but you are sadly mistaken."said Tamen as he twisted and broke the guy's arm. The black haired guy turned around and tried to punch Tamen but Tamen grabbed his other arm and broke it. The guy now had two broken arms.

"Now I give you a choice, leave my team alone or wait for me to get serious."said Tamen.

After this, the warriors from the sound village left because Tamen had scared the confidence out of them. After they had left, the markings on Tamen's face and head disappeared and he back to the ground unconscious. Everyone was dumbfounded and probably were thinking, "what the heck just happened."

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