Chapter Twenty-Two: Secrets and Diplomas

Start from the beginning

   Although Michelle doesn’t know, she keeps me grounded. She reminds me that I’m perfect the way I am, which sort of helps me with my problem. She makes me feel good about myself. How am I supposed to deal with this when I leave, without her help?

   I took a shower, brushed my teeth, did my hair, and got ready for my graduation. Sure, I was upset that Michelle wasn’t going to be able to go, but I was glad that we’ll be catching up like the old days. 

   I did my makeup, slipped on my dress, and straightened the last lock of my hair. “Ready, Maggs?” My mom called from downstairs. I loved the fact that I didn’t have to go to any classes today, and just go to the graduation. I checked my phone, and the lock screen was a picture of Louis and I. Why haven’t I changed it yet? My heart sank. I unlocked it, and went on twitter. The first tweet I saw, was from Sugarscape. “Tsk tsk, Harry, make up your mind!” it said, and a link to the article was also included. Stuff like this really annoyed me, so I kept scrolling and ignored the tweet. 

   I got what I needed, and walked down the stairs to find my mom carrying a camera. “Say ‘Cheese’!” My mom shouted as her camera flashed. “Ugh, mom, really?” I said as I rolled my eyes. “Well, not my fault if I wanna get a picture of my baby’s special day!” my mom said with a smile. As much as my mom was a drag, I really am going to miss her. Her curls were intact, and her dress looked even better than me, and I have no idea why, since, it is MY graduation. 

   We headed out the door.

   I sat in the blazing sun in my heavy black cap and gown. I waited impatiently as people were giving speeches, and having their names called to get their diplomas. I looked around to see the crowd of people who came to see us graduate. As much as I wished and hoped I’d maybe see Louis, I knew I couldn’t get my hopes up. I spotted a blonde boy in the crowd next to Amy and the rest of the girls, with black Ray Ban sunglasses on, and a red polo on, which reminded me of Niall. Maybe it was Niall, but I didn’t see the other boys, so probably not. I squinted trying to get a better look of the boy’s face, but Amy caught be staring, and waved at me with a huge smile. The boy next to her was on his phone, texting. 

   It sort of made me depressed, you know, listening to all these speeches about how we all pretty much grew up together, and now, we’re all leaving this school as the class of ‘12. I’m really going to miss everyone, especially Michelle, Amy, Crystal, and Jessica. Even though we aren’t all in the same grade, they were my other halves of my heart. I was like a big sister to them. I think they can all manage to live without me always being there by their side, they’re strong girls; especially Jessica. She plays it off when she’s upset, and doesn’t let anything get to her. She’s one of those “I don’t give a fuck” girls. Crystal, well, she’s a happy camper, she never really takes things to the bone. Amy, she may get hurt sometimes, but she always has a positive attitude. Michelle on the other hand, well, she’s not as tough as people think. She’s a bit fragile. None of the girls know about her depression. She was diagnosed with it, but I’m the only one who knows. I feel like Michelle has the right to know about my eating disorder, but, I feel like I’m going to let her down. Like I said before, I feel like I’m her role model, and I don’t want to disappoint her. 

   I waited, and waited until I was called on stage to get my diploma. Then finally, they called me. This was the moment that showed that I’ll finally be starting my life.. “Maggie Embers” they called me on stage. I knew people were calling my name, and cheering, but in my head, it was pure silence. I walked on stage, and received my diploma. I felt proud. I raised it in the air, and had a huge smile on my face. Everyone chanted my name, and I felt so happy. 

   After everyone was called, and the speeches were given, our principal spoke into the microphone. “Congratulations class of 2012!” and at that moment, everyone threw their caps into the air. 

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