chapter one, wake up. OCTOBER TWENTY-FIRST, TWO THOUSAND SIXTEEN; ( jeon jungkook's murder )
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one foot pushed off the ground, helping to keep up the pace that he had to achieve in order to escape the suspicious people who were following him. his chest rose and fell quickly, his arms swinging by his sides as his eyes searched for a safe direction to go. the chanting that once echoed through the darkness of the forest no longer bounced off the chipping bark, yet the quietness that enveloped the scenery seemed more eerie to him.
he took this moment to press his palms to his knees, making a hill out of his back as he tried to catch his breath. he swallowed the overwhelming feeling building up in the cavity of his chest, attempting to figure out if this was even real or how he even got into this mess in the first place. it wasn't until he heard slow footsteps behind him that the tears began to blur his once clear vision. his lips trembled, his adam's apple bobbing as he tried to grab control of his emotions.
"wake up, jungkook," he whispered to himself, closing his eyes tightly as the footsteps grew closer, "wake up!" his voice violently began to grow louder as the noises that had disappeared mocked him. "wake the fuck up," the end faded to a quiet whimper concluding the fact that the dam he had built finally broke away.
his eyes flickered open as the once faintly heard footsteps no longer continued behind him. he looked around in wonder, slouching his shoulders as the weight of the situation stacked upon him. his hands shook quietly by his sides as he stood up tall, turning his head only slightly to try and focus on the area surrounding him. he took in how the bare branches danced to the whistle of the wind, creaking out of misery from the cold. he blinked a few times, trying to restore his vision, but it only seemed to worsen it.
he took a step forward, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth. "wake up, jungkook," a whisper over his shoulder sent shivers down his spine. his mouth hung open, loose, scared to make any certain noise, as if he were to be seen if he did. his mind ran blink, wanting to blame the wind for cursing his name back at him, but truly he knew the tune could not make such noise. "jungkook," the name was twisted into a new song, one he feared to ever hear. he copied his earlier actions by shutting his eyes tight, yet instead of leaning over, he dug his nails into the palms of his hands. "wake up!" the voice spoke quickly, jungkook barely being able to understand. he peeled his eyes open, his heart beating quite roughly against the cage it was locked in. the whispering seemed to come from all directions, but this one, he knew it was right behind him. especially since he could now feel the person's breathing going down his neck. "how unfortunate," the mumble came quickly, jungkook's vision quickly engulfed in all black. his hands reach for his throat as he felt hands wrap around the cloth bag now wrapped around his entire head.
fighting was worthless as he was useless. he attempted to remove the pressure of the hands from choking him, but couldn't find the strength in his already tired body to. he felt himself becoming light headed, finding it harder to breathe by the second. it wasn't long until he blacked, the last thing he heard whispered into his ear, "no one truly understands, no one seeks for God."
he awoke in excruciating pain. his fingers felt numb, unsure of if he could even move them. he learned quickly that he wasn't touching the ground the minute a pair of hands crossed his feet over one another. his head hung low, yet he was too scared to open his eyes and examine what had happened to him. he was still positive that this was all a dream, that he had been sleep walking, tripped and fell, hurt his hand, and now he was drifting into another nightmare among the others he had previous of this.
"acts 17:26-27," a man's voice said out loud in such a clear, demanding way, jungkook could feel his heart sank to the void in his stomach, "and he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. yet he is actually not far from each one of us," his voice faded, feet stepping in a pile of rocks echoed from a distance. jungkook waited until the noise had turn into a far away mumble before opening his eyes.
there was no arguing anymore that this was reality when he found the images in front of him blurry and moving in a manor he never viewed before. he felt nauseous as he turned his head, analyzing how deep a nail was in his blood covered palm. his chin trembled, looking to the other side to see the same terrifying scene. the only difference was that a plastic horse stood still only inches away from the board his hands were now nailed to. his sight was clearing up as time went on, it wasn't long until he released where he was. strapped to a carousel in an abandoned amusement park.
"deuteronomy 4:29," the voice picked up again, a man covered in all black turning the corner of the ride. he fiddled with a pair of keys in his hand, a metal baseball bat in the other. he sighed, raising his head and making direct eye contact with the boy who hung still. he walked closer to him, jungkook trying to find some kind of detail in the all black, plastic mask he wore, but he was too stuck on the eyes that hid behind it. the sadistic man got close enough that jungkook could hear his breathing. "but from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul."
his crows feet were visible as he smiled under his mask, jungkook beginning to shake in fear. "hebrews 11:6," the man turned his back on the boy, walking to the box that held the rusted out controls of the ride. jungkook began to scream, pushing away from the board as he tried to escape free from the nails that held him down. "and without faith it is impossible to please him," the killer began to shout over him, inserting the key to the carousel. jungkook shut his eyes tightly as the feeling of his whole body being set to fire tingled up his spine from all the pain bellowing from the palms of his hands. "for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists," he pressed the green button, flicking up a control to make the carousel begin to spin around and around. he exited the box, watching as the ride began to pick up speed and the rider began to scream louder. the grip on the bat tightened as he stepped closer to the boy. jungkook's eyes widened, blood oozing from his palms. he tried to throw his head forward, hoping to break the thick board behind him, but the barbed wire that was currently wrapped around his neck poke at his skin viciously enough for him to throw his head back to the pole. "and that he rewards those who seek him."
the man behind the mask twisted the bat around his arm, taking a few practice swings before aiming at jungkook himself. jungkook began to plead, whimpering out loud that he would do anything, but the masked figure continued to read out the scriptures he had memorized. "Job 11:7. can you find out the deep things of God?" the metal made a fatal impact to the boy's ribcage causing him to bellow out in pain. "can you find out the limit of the Almighty?" he waited for the mocking boy to come back around again before swinging and hitting the tip of the bat against the jaw of the helpless victim. tears carved themselves into his cheeks, his mouth swelling as the bone no longer pieced itself together.
it took only a few more hits before jungkook hung their lifeless. the man hit the dead pinata once more before examining the blood covered bat. a smirk appeared behind the mask, the working lights of the carousel hitting the victim in such a pleasing way that the man felt nothing less than satisfaction. "luke 15:24," he made his way back to the control system, switching off the ride so that jungkook ended up the same way he was when he was strung up there. the only difference now is that he wasn't alive like he was before. "for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found." the masked figure strung the bat over his shoulders, tilting his head as he examined the victim one last time.
he turned himself away from the scene, "and they began to celebrate," he spoke once more before walking away.
171014: i have never wrote this much in my whole life and this is not yet edited so there might be a few spelling errors, etc. but i hope you enjoyed as much as i did writing it and i'm v v excited for this to begin.