Chapter 5 - Josie

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'How are you feeling today?'

'I actually feel well today.' I sip the divinely hot coffee. 'Surprising as I didn't sleep well last night.'



'Maybe you just need someone to give your mind a distraction, keep you company.'

He smirks as he sips his coffee, I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks yet again. I look down into my coffee, to avoid the gaze that I can feel burning on my skin.

'So are you still working?'

'Why? Planning on coming in for a one on one?'

I cannot believe what falls out of my mouth but it does and it leaves me shocked. What the hell is wrong with me? He laughs.

'I think I might. What days are you working?'

Oh far out. A plate of food is plonked onto the table in front of me and I nearly jumped up and kissed the woman for her well timed arrival.

Breakfast was pleasant, comfortable silence as we ate, for once in the past couple of days I felt relaxed. By the time I had made it through the meal, I was full. I don't think I will need to eat lunch now. When we stepped out of the shop, I was faced with something that would stir all of my anxiety back up. Andy. But then something unusual happened. Ethan slipped his hand into mine, entwining his fingers and clamping down firmly.

'Josie, baby, where have you been?'

'Don't baby me.' I hiss at him.

Ethan tugs on my hand, I look up at him, his face plain and unreadable.

'What's going on?' Andy says, his face begins to show a little anger. 'Are you with him?'

'I don't think that is any of your business.'

Ethan tugs on my hand again, this time I let him pull me away. He laughs when we get a few meters away.

'Do you really want to piss him off?'

I stop and look at him. 'What do you mean?'

'Don't freak out.'


He leans in and kisses me, his lips cold from the autumn morning. I think that I begin to enjoy this kiss too much, not wanting to stop. It was soft and sweet but it left me wanting more.

'I think that might just do the job.' he says as he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

I grin as I bite my lip, yeah it did the job alright.

We walk for ages and surprisingly end up walking past my work. Only one side of the double doors were open, I knew that the place would be open for business but not at full staff. This was just to catch the lunch trade. The neon sign wasn't going which wasn't unusual, Franco was putting out the sign. He gave me a sly grin and wink as he always did and wandered back into the club. I point to the door and Ethan grins, knowing what I mean.

'I should go and tell them I won't be working any more, I'll only be a sec.'

I'm waiting in the main bar area for my boss when Ethan sneaks up behind me, grabbing my jacket from behind, pulling me to his body.

'How much do you cost, pretty lady?' he purrs in my ear.

'Too much for you.'

He laughs, his hands moving around my waist.

'Name your price.'

I think I just melted into the ground, a warm puddle of goo around his feet. My boss walks out, thank Christ, because I would have been seconds from pushing him to the ground and having him in the middle of the main bar area of the Luscious Lasses for all to see.


Ethan had decided that he would continue being my company for the day, after finding out that I hadn't been in the city for very long and that I had rarely visited as a child, he insisted that we do something worthwhile. Like the art gallery and the museum. His arm was still around my shoulder, mine around his waist. Somebody has gotten themselves rather cosy my mind scoffs. This was about the oddest beginning of a relationship I had ever had, by far. Was that what this was? Maybe he was just being comforting. I was over analysing again.

'Do you walk everywhere?'

He nods as he pulls me tighter to his body. I was going to be a giddy mess by the end of this corridor for sure.

'Good exercise.'

'Somehow I don't think I need it.' I mutter under my breath

Ethan holds me firmly by the shoulders, frowning as he looks down at me.

'You will beat it; you will get better.'

Yeah right. Just love your optimism.

'If you could have anything, what would it be?'

I look at him, a little confused at his question, but I answer him all the same.

'Life, a long life. Someone that loves me enough to remain faithful. Children, doctor says I can't have any. Happiness for all of my days. And probably a bit more money would be helpful.'

He smiles at me, wrapping his arm back around me.

'That's a pretty good wish list. You never know, one day you might just get all five.'

A Vampire's Life Book 4Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz