When She Moved Away

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Told by Bo_Universe.

When my sister graduated from high school she moved out of my family's house, into her own place with her boyfriend.

According to her when she first moved in, everything was fine. She would pretty much clean and watch TV while her boyfriend was at work.

About a month or so after she moved in she said she felt like something was watching her and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend would leave early in the morning for work before she woke up, and she said that's when she felt most watched.

Then when she would wake up, things had moved around and were in different places. Whenever she was alone she felt like there was an angry presence there. It was so bad that she began crying whenever her boyfriend left for work.

Finally she had the house blessed and blesses it herself every week.

Recently though, she went into her spare room and saw that there was writing on the wall, in the closet. It said "God is Good" with "Good" scribbled out.

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