Chapter Three

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After stepping out of the steaming shower a half hour later I slipped on some black jeans and a long sleeved, white laced shirt that fit comfortably against my curves. I let my hair dry naturally into its dark ringlets over my shoulders till it reached my waist. I brushed a cream color over my eyelids along with some black eyeliner and mascara to bring out my emerald eyes. I pulled back from the mirror before brushing some chapstick over my already rose red lips.

My eyes slid down to the silver rose that nestled into the hollow of my throat from a vine like chain. The necklace had been my mother's when she was promised to marry my father. The silver felt cold against my heated neck.

In the reflection she stared back at me with the same high cheekbones, dark hair, and same almond shaped eyes. The most distinct difference was that she had warm, chocolate brown eyes and I had cool green ones. My heart clenched as I remembered it was I and not my mother looking back at me.

I flung the door open and walk solemnly to the kitchen to make some chai tea. The kitchen was made of mahogany wood cabinets and white marble flooring. The walls were a deep red that used to reflect back a warm sense of comfort throughout the room. This was the house that I had lived in my entire life but it didn't feel the same anymore.

I started pulling the spices from the rack beside the stove and began concocting a mixture of spices to mix together my chai tea. The smell drifted in the air and curled about the house filling me with calm.

As the tea was brewing I pulled my mother's china from the crystal case standing at the back wall of the kitchen and took a second to admire the paint work on the set. Black designs curled around in intricate lace like patterns. My mother's paint work, only her hands could portray such detail without error.

"What was with all the coughing I heard earlier?" Jasper's deep voice shattered the calm filled silence causing me to nearly drop the glass I had been looking at. I whirled around to glare at him before making my way over to the small table by the window. Jasper leaned against the island across from where I sat.

Jasper's dark hair was disheveled and his cheeks were flushed with color. The red flannel shirt he was wearing was rolled up to his elbows and was unbuttoned leaving his muscled chest exposed. My eyes grazed over him and reluctantly pulled back up to meet his eyes.

"What are you doing dressed like that?" I snapped. Jasper smirked at me noticing my obvious distraction.

"Why? Does it bother you, dear?" His velvety voice brushed down my spine and sent chills across my skin.

"You look like a lumber jack. What have you been doing anyway?"

"Chopping wood." Jasper smiled at me.

"You're hilarious, Jasper. Seriously, what the hell were you doing?"

"Seriously, Snowbear, I've been chopping wood. I needed to work off some steam after a very frustrating creature injured something valuable of mine." he glared his sapphire eyes at me.

"Oh please. You deserved a swift knee to the jewels." Jasper's eyes narrowed into slits as he crossed his arms across his chest tightly.

I stood up and walked over to set the china in the sink with a small smile playing on my lips the entire way as I passed by Jasper. I carefully washed the glasses and teapot before turning to face Jasper. He just stood there looking at me with an unreadable expression.

"Did you learn your lesson, Jasper?" I smiled broadly at him now, gloating openly. He pushed off the island to stand in front of me. When he didn't saying anything but kept inching closer I raised my eyebrow. "Well?"

"Oh yeah, I learned." Jasper whispered darkly as he continued to close in on me till he was but a few inches away.

"Oh really? Then what'd you learn because you're a little too close for me to believe you learned anything." I hissed at him.

"I learned not to trust you, Snowbear." As he whispered those words I attempted to knee him again but this time he swept his leg behind mine and grabbed the offensive knee. Glaring at him I raised my fist but before it could connect with his jaw he grabbed my wrist and twisted my arm behind me and pushed me against the counter.

"Get your hands OFF me, you jackass!" I screamed against the granite. Heat boiled in my blood but Jasper's only reaction was twisting my arm up farther causing me to gasp out in pain. He suddenly released his grip on my wrist and spun me around to face him.

"And now you've learned a lesson, Snowbear."

"What?" I spat back at him.

"Payback can be as big a bitch as you." With that he let my arm go and untangled his from around my waist. I pushed him back against the island and gave him an icy glare.

"I'm leaving." I growled. How was I supposed to put up with this for so long? I was already ready to lock him in the basement and he hasn't even been here for twenty-four hours yet.

"Leaving?" Jasper's eyes were large and shock showed in their depths. "Leaving to go where?"

"None of your damn business." I snapped.

"I'm coming with you."

"The hell you are! You're supposed to watch the cottage!"

"I'm supposed to watch over you and you can't force me to stay here." Jasper said evenly with determination emanating from his tense form.

"According to the Queen's letter you are at my 'disposal' therefore I forbid you to follow me or you'll be spending your nights outside for the next ten months." I said each word with slow deliberation so that he could taste the venom in every single word.

Jasper opened his mouth to respond but I cut him off with the raise of a finger. 

"Shut up. I'm going to town and will be back whenever I feel like it. Goodbye." And with that said I walked swiftly from the kitchen to the front door and slammed it hard behind me.

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