ch. 16 || bachelor and vixen

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a/n - comment please, I know a/n's like this are annoying but I've really enjoyed writing this chapter so feedback is much appreciated c: ily x


XVI. bachelor and vixen


[Zayn's POV]


I turned around to see Thalia, beautiful even in the soft morning light of 4am.

She dropped her hand luggage and leaped at me, startling me.

I caught her in my arms and spun her round. "Good morning, beautiful." I grinned, pressing my lips against hers.

She was ever so radiant, her eyes a little brighter today.

Today, she was clothed in black skinny jeans, ripped at the knees, and a large cream jumper exposing the tops of her shoulders, contrasting her usual outfits of floral skirts or dresses.

Her dark mass of hair had been lifted into a long ponytail, curls tangled and brushed out. She had no makeup on as usual, except from the dab of coral lipstick I tasted from kissing her.

"You excited?" I asked her, putting her down in the middle of the departure lounge.

She nodded. "Ever so. Did you miss me?" She asked breathlessly.

I nodded, because it was true.

We'd been apart for three days; I was doing interviews of all kinds, whereas Thalia was babysitting, reading, re-reading. She really was well read for a girl with a difficult start to life.

It was now early October, and I'd missed her.

As we sat opposite each other in the departure lounge, I watched her read. Sometimes she shook her head or rolled her eyes, possibly annoyed by the character. She often looked up to catch me gazing, and I'd smirk to hide my blush.

I resumed scrolling through pictures on my phone.

My phone began to ring, and I answered without hesitation.

"Hello?" I asked, wiping my face, tired from waking early. It was pouring down outside when I arrived thirty minutes prior to meeting Thalia.

"Zayn? Is it true that you found another girl?"

"I thought we settled this."

Thalia looked up and I lowered my voice. Thalia had her earphones in, so I must've been loud enough for her to hear.

Checking the time on my watch, I saw that there was another forty minutes till we departed for Amsterdam.

I stood up and covered the microphone, "I'm going to buy a drink. You want anything?"

She shook her head and I walked away.

"Okay, Perrie. Yes, I am with another girl. What about you?" I asked.

She inhaled sharply. " could at least...we haven't even...are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes, I'm sure. It's been what I want ever since you cheated on me. I've met Thalia now." I responded, sounding almost robotic.

"Zayn, I'm sorry. I just want to apologise for all I've done to hurt you. And I've not found anyone yet, but I hope you're happy."

"Thank you, Perrie."

We said our goodbyes.

When I returned, Thalia was looking at her long nails, painted in pastel blue.

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