chapter 5

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I ran as fast as it was acceptable (after all, there were humans in the airport) into Esme's open arms.

"Bella, dear. How are you? We missed you so much."

"I missed you too." I said as she let go of me and I hugged Carlisle. I noticed Alice throwing herself at Jasper.

"Sorry about what happened on your birthday, Bella." He told me, looking more relaxed than I ever saw him. I guessed it was because I was not human anymore so he didn't have to fight his thirst all the time around me. 

"It's nothing," I smiled as I told him, meaning it. "I know what it's like now, too. So don't worry about it."

I was keeping my breathing to the minimum so I don't accidentally attack someone, and there was a burning in my throat all the time. I held my breath all through the plane ride, because the enclosed space made everything worse.

"Well then," said Esme. "Shall we go?"

We all headed out of the airport, into the parking lot. I knew which car the Cullens came in before we reached it. It had their scents all over it. It was a blue car that looked new. I don't know what model it was, though.

Carlisle drove and Esme sat beside him in the passenger seat. I sat in the back with Alice and Jasper.

"So," Carlisle began as we drove away, " Alice told us you are going after Edward."

"Yeah, I am." I couldn't restrain the grin that spread on my face as I imagined surprising Edward.

"I just hope he still can't read my mind." I muttered.

They all laughed.


 We went to another of the Cullens' fancy houses. It was almost as big as their house back in Forks.

Every time I thought of Forks I had to distract myself from thinking about Charlie. Just as Edward had done, I agreed that a clean cut was the best. No matter how miserable Charlie was, his subconciousness is probably prepared that he'll never see me again. The same with my mom. There was just no point in contacting them and saying i'm fine when they can't ever see me again.

The difference was just too great. Even if I hide my now red eyes by wearing contacts, it will be obvious that I'm much paler than I used to be. I thought about spraying tan, but my old skin tone was too pale for even the lightest shade of tan.

And what about when they touch me and find me ice cold? What about when they hug me and find me hard as stone?

Anyway, I forced myself not to think of them anymore, and let nature take its course. I knew Jacob and Billy would be there for Charlie. And my mom had Phil.

I spent the whole day catching up with the cullens. Carlisle made me tell him everything that had happened, even though he had already heard from Alice. Alice rolled her eyes as she told me that Rosalie and Emmet had gone on another honeymoon. I secretly wondered how money honemoons they had.

Alice also told me that Edward was unsuccessfuly  tracking down Victoria to stop her from doing anything to me as revenge. It made a small part of me happy that he was still thinking of me and trying to help me, even if he said that he doesn't love me anymore.

But it also made another part of me angry. If he had just stayed with me, I wouldn't have been waiting for Jacob by the beach, just out of boredom.

Since I told the Cullens I wanted to hunt Edward by myself, without any help (it somehow made me feel that if I manage to catch him myself, then I have the right to stay with him, even if he had stopped loving me), they decided that the four of them would head back to Forks to console Charlie and pretend to help with the search.

As soon as the sun set the following day, we went our seperate ways. The Cullens to the airport, and me in the direction of Edward's scent.

I didn't take anything with me except for a new cell phone Alice got me to keep in touch. There was no need for the fake ID and passport Alice made me, as I was in the same country as Edward. I also refused Alice's fashionable clothes, though i had the confidence to wear them now that I was a vampire. They would only get in the way.

I had on a pair of comfortable jeans and the only article of clothes I had from my old stuff. Just before we left Forks, I asked Alice to sneak in my house and get it while Charlie was away. It was my blue, the one that Edward had said looked lovely. 


sorry, i know it's short, and i really don't know when/where to cut the chapters.

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