I sighed as the movie was over and Kim stood up,"Hey shouldn't you tell your mom you're staying," Kim suggested as she stretched, I nodded and pulled out my phone. As I sent the text I began to stand up,"Where will I sleep?" I asked, she smiled a little,"In my room, but you can sleep on the floor, either that or the guest room," she said walking down the hall to her room. I sighed, I knew Kim I really didn't want to share a room with her but I knew I had no other choice unless I wanted to be called crazy,"Fine I'll sleep on the floor," I said as I followed behind her. She opened the door to her room and walked in, I waited for her to come back out but when she didn't I opened the door and went behind her. She grabbed a sleeping bag and gave it to me,"Here," she said, I gripped it and sighed,'Well here goes nothing' I thought to myself.
After Kim changed into her PJ's and loan me some, she lay down on her bed. I plugged in my phone to Kim's charger and crawled to the sleeping bag. I lay in the sleeping bag and looked up at the ceiling, thinking about nothing in particular when I fell sleepiness take over me.
"Vake her up," I heard a deep voice say in a thick German accent, I opened my eyes to recognize two of the Axis, Germany and Italy. I sat up from where I was and realized I wasn't in Kim's room,'Oh not this again' I thought to myself when suddenly my thoughts were broken by the Italian's voice,"What's your name, bella?" I scratched my head lightly and then smiled,"__," I wandered why I was here and why these type of thing kept on happening but now wasn't the time to worry about that. I stood up from the ground and shook off some dirt,"Can any of you two explain why I'm here?" I asked, I really wanted to ask this time before I even woke up,"Vell ve only know as much as you do," replied the German, I sighed, this is the second time things like these happen and I don't even have a clue on why they happen, I sighed."Could you take me to see if anyone knows why this happens?" I asked, Italy nodded and grabbed my hand pulling me away from Germany.
Italy dragged me all the way to a building, it wasn't special it was just a building. He opened the main door and walked in, I stood at the entrance not knowing what to do, after a few seconds he turned around realizing I wasn't behind him, he smiled and waved his hand signaling for me to follow him. I walked behind him studying the hall, it seemed to never end and there were a few paintings scattered on the walls. After walking around for quite some time he opened a door,"Hey, it's Italy," said none other than America himself, I walked in behind Italy,"And who is- wait she's the one who didn't want to give Kiku a hug," he said and soon began to laugh, I looked down shyly,"Sorry," I said quitely. "Well she's here because she wanted to see if anyone could explain why she's here," Italy said as England stood up,"I could probably figure out what it is," he paused and walked towards me,"if you would like," I looked at him and nodded. He led me out of the meeting room and towards another room,"I'll be back, wait here," he said as he opened the door. As he walked away I walked into the room it was similar to the other one, which I had been previously, I looked at a table and saw some flowers, I walked closer to the table and took a seat.
After some time Enlgand walked in and took the chair that was directly in front of me,"Ok so lets begin," he started,"What's your name?" I looked at him and replied,"___," he smiled slightly and continued,"What was the last thing you did before you ended up here or what was the last thing you remember?" I thought for a moment, if I'm correct I was at Kim's house,"I was at a friends house," I said,"Ok," he replied and stood up,"I guess I can't really figure out what happened or how you got here," I sighed, I really wanted to know,"Well what are we going to do?" I stood up from the chair, he looked around as if thinking of something to do,"Well the only thing we can do is go back and see if all of us can come up with something," he said, I smiled,"Fair enough," I began to walk towards the door and he followed behind me.
"So what's the plan?" I asked concerned,"You'll be staying with one of us," answered Italy, I sighed, well at least they won't murder me or something like that,"Do I get to choose?" Everyone looked at me and then turned to look at each other,"Sure your our non-expected guest," replied England. I sighed 'Ok, who to stay with?' I thought, finally I thought of someone,"I'll stay with Igg-I mean England."

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FanfictionI got bored in class so easily but why did history entertain me so much? Simple, an anime based on history caught my attention. Is it possible it caught me too?