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Marlon and I have come to a decision. We're moving out of are house because not only have we out grown it but I think it's time. We've lived here for 4 in a half years now. This is was me and Kenny's house when we were married I stayed here and now I feel like we need to move. It's time.

We've found the perfect house for all of us.It has good schools in the area. It's closer to Marlon's job and it's closer to Beyoncé and Michelle. Which is perfect.


Omg I can't believe this. What's Liam gonna say? What's Will gonna say? What am I gonna do?

I can't be pregnant. I can but not now. Liam and I said we would wait at least two years until we decided it was time to have kids but this pregnancy test says different.

"Michelle" I heard Liam call my name. Uh oh.

"I'm in the bathroom I'll be out in a minute" I say back.

"Okay" I heard him say and when I noticed he was away from the bathroom door, I took a deep breath. I grabbed my phone and called Beyoncé.

"Hey" she answered

"Hi" I say uneasily.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh What makes you think something's wrong" I say nervously.

"Michelle" she said

"I'm pregnant" I  said

"What really?! Omg that's great Michelle congratulations"

"Yeah" I say dryly "Thanks"

"You don't sound too excited"

"I'm excited but a nervous excited"

"It's not like you haven't done this before" she pointed out.

"I know"

"Then there's nothing to worry about, Have you told Liam yet?"


"Tell him"she demanded

"Fine I'll tell him right now" I say sure of myself.

"Okay tell me how it goes later" she says

"Okay Bye Thanks Beyoncé"

"Welcome bye" she said before ending the call.

I take a deep breath. I open the bathroom door. "Liam?" I call out.

"In the kitchen" I hear his voice. I enter the kitchen.

"Hey we need to talk, there's something I need to tell you"

"Okay what's up?" He asked sitting at the island.

"Liam I'm pregnant" I say nervously.

"What?" He asked stunned.

"Your gonna be a daddy" I smile

"Babe this great" he smiles wide and kisses me.

"We're having a baby" he said still smiling.

"So I guess this means your excited" I joked.

"I'm more than excited I'm just I'm really happy" he said putting his hand on my flat stomach.

"I'm happy that your happy" I kiss him back.

My Girlfriends (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now