Chapter 1

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You're sitting in your third period classroom, tapping your pencil up against the edge of you desk, daydreaming instead of listening on the teachers lecture on Cell reproduction,

"(Y/n) (l/n)" the teacher walks over to your desk and sets down a piece of paper, pack up your things your going to the school councilor"

You look at the piece of paper, and shove it in your pocket, pack up your stuff and head out the door, you walk down the hall and turn right, you stand outside the office, slowly open the door,

"Ah, Ms.(l/n) please come in, sit sit,"
You sit In the chair in front of the councilor's desk he looks at you and folds his hands
"So, do you know why I've called you in today"
You shake your head

"I called you in because it seems your grades are perfect, but....your PE grade, it's"
He makes a whistle noise then a explosion noise or something  
"Down the drain, what's happening"

"Well, I don't like running, I mean, I have a knee brace for the love of God, and when my body feels heavy my PE teacher won't let me stop, so I just decided to not do PE"  you cross your legs and lean back in the comfortable chair 

The councilor sighs
"(Y/n) it counts towards college credits, you need to get this grade up"
"Sir, I will do anything, I will do any physical activity so I can get this grade up"

He shovels through a bunch of papers on his desk and hands me a flyer "our school started a new dance team, started by Lance McClain, he's your age, do you know him?"

I shake my head "I think he's in one of my classes"
"Well, Ms.(Y/n) they need one more person on their have two days to decide if you want to join, take this flyer, if you don't join well you'll just have to do PE"
"Why can't I do something like (F/s) (favorite sport)"

"Well, all the sport have enough players, or the season is already over"
You groan and take the flyer, you stand up and head towards the door
"I hope you'll be joining the team"
You walk out and close the door shut,
---After school---
I'm walking to the front of school with my friend pidge
"So what's with the flyer"
I sigh
"The councilor told me I need or should join the schools new dance team to up my PE grade"
Pidge stops in front of me and looks at me with wide eyes
"You should totally join! You like to dance don't you?"
Pidge is the only person EVER to know that I like to dance...

"I mean yeah but not with or in front of people, I wish I could, it's just my anxiety and stage fright would get in the way...."

My moms truck pulls up to the curb, she yells from the car
"(Y/n) Come on! We're going to go eat out today with an old family friend!"

"One second mom!....i'll think about it pidge"
"Tell your mom about it, if you don't I'll call her, I have her number you know" I chuckle "okay pidge" I hug my friend then run to my moms truck and get In,

"So mom you seem excited who are we seeing today"
"One of your old friends or family friends  , Takashi Shirogane, do you remember him? You use to call him cousin Shiro, " my mom laughs

"Cousin Shiro? The one that went away to study space and something else somewhere else"
"That's the one..! Oh I can't wait to see how he's grown up, I bet he's just dying to see you too sweetie" she ruffles my hair

We go back home and get dressed in formal wear, my mom wears her pantsuit and me in my blue dress, and flats cuz heels are hell, anyways we get back into the car and drive to a restaurant, "we have a reservation underneath (l/n) we are waiting for someone named Takashi shirogane, can you tell me if he's here yet"

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} Where stories live. Discover now