Authors note

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Hey guys! I'm writing this note for a few reasons, first off I wanted to say thank you, if you have been showing love to this book, you're an amazing person, however if you are making unreasonable hurtful comments, I guess it goes to show that you should read this. Making comments towards people who take their feelings out however they can rather than themselves is such an incredible thing, and for people to hate on a book about a very sensitive topic is awful, so I'm asking you now, if you don't like this book, if you don't like how I write and if you are one of those types of people to hurt others cause of your insecurities and issues, please leave.
Now that they're gone, I wanted to once again thank you guys for all of the support and nice comments.
When I started writing this book, I was in one of the worse places I've ever been in... this book was something I could use as an escape and I'm forever grateful that people will read, understand and continue to be positive.
There is so much negativity in this world.
Right now, Im feeling the same as I did when I first wrote this book, and I haven't been on Wattpad in forever, so I decided to write this, coming back onto wattpad and reading positive comments helped me fluctuate the negative ones. There is so much realization I have been thinking about, so many issues and so much negative thoughts. However, I'm not gonna use my time for negativity, and I want to help everyone. So please please message me if you are having negative thoughts, read this and remember you are irreplaceable, no matter who you are, what gender, race, sexuality, etc. you play an important roll in somebody's life, including your own.

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