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I decided today when I woke up that I wanted to do something instead of just sitting here all day. Why does it have to be so boring! Oh wait, I'm stuck on an island with no one to be seen or heard anywhere, except for Harry and Jack.

I wish I wouldn't have gotten on that stupid plane in the first place.

I take a step into the woods, if we are going to be on this island for long, we will need something other than berries to eat.

I keep walking, cracking leaves and branches. The air is thick and humid and there are clouds in the sky, we might have ourselves a storm a little later. Since I have been stranded on this island we have only had a storm once.

Also, I have been trying to keep a positive attitude. If I don't, I know I will die here, cold and alone, mostly. I need to keep thinking that someone will come for us and help us out of the trechorous place.

I walk for about fifteen minutes through the jungle.

"Hey what are you doin out here miss?" I hear a voice say. I expect to turn around and see Harry, but it is Jack. He is walking through the woods with a long stick.

"Just looking for more food.' I tell him. He stops in his tracks, and I hear him mumble something to himself. I can't make out what he is saying though.

I know I have people to talk to, and i probably should be happy for that, but I wish there was a girl I could talk to. She would know how i feel.

"Well, I have my fort a little ways back, and there is some bananas close to it. I can show you if you want?" he asks me. I don't know if I should accept his offer, I don't know him very well. He kind of scares me because of the nightmare I had about him. I doubt he is anything like that though.

"Yeah sure that would be great," I reply accepting his kind gesture. If Harry and I don't get more food we will run out of berries. We absolutely need more food, and bananas sound soo good.

He turns around and starts walking back to where he came from. We small talk until we stumble upon his little fort. It looks just like Harry and mine except his looks more neat.

"This is my home, well for now." he talks pointing to his fort.

"It's..huh.. nice," I complement him even though it looks like just about any other fort out there in the world.He just flaps his hand down at me and walks past it.

"What do you mean for now?" I wonder. He says he lives here, but he just said that it was temporary.

"Well, um, well, I like to move around I guess," he hesitated. Doesn't sound to convincing to me. I shouldn't get into his personal business though.

Once we reach where the bananas are I take in the scenery. A couple trees have bananas hanging down from them, while all of the other trees have nothing. I guess Jack likes bananas, a lot.

"You can stay here for a little bit and eat or gather bananas. I have to go somewhere quickly." he said in an anxious tone.

"Ok," I respond politely. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have known there was bananas close to him.

Once I gather Harry and my bananas I walk the way Jack and I came from. It takes me a while but I finally reach the beach side.

I go to the campfire and I can't see Harry. Where the hell did he go? He never takes this long out in the jungle. It has been a couple hours since I left.

"Harry!" I call.  I get no answer.

I start to walk further down the beach side calling his name. but I get no answer. I stop in my tracks and rotate looking around the whole island. I notice something in my right eye. I look to what I see, and there is a body on the ground.

I run over to it. As I get closer I notice who's body it is.


"Harry!" I scream and run to his side as fast as I can.

"Please don't die. Please don't die," I repeat. "Harry!" I yell putting my ear to his heart.

Just as I lift my eat something hard, like a stick of wood hits the side of my head. I yell in pain.

Hey guys this chapter is short. It is a cliffhanger, but an update will be really soon so don't worry!

Shout out to TeAnna for looking smexy! Shoutout Julia for always interrupting me! Thanks>eye roll

You guys should vote or comment! I  have no idea how this story is???? 

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