Zen X Reader(request by @MysticLucy)

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I texted him over and over again, but he wouldn't text back. Is it that I didnt support him the other day about his and Jumins fight? I just cant put my finger on the situation. I hope he doesn't hate me...

I was walking to Zens rehearsal, and I held a bag that was quite heavy. I took out my phone and called him once more, but didnt answer. Everyone except Jumin had worried about him and where he had gone. RFA wondered if he had died and didnt even know. It was a scary time to be in...

I finally walked towards the entrance door, and pushed it open with my shoulder. The door slowly opened as I stepped my foot in. It had people in it, people who I couldn't identify as Zen. I placed the bag down next to a seat in the theater and sat. There was an older man playing piano to some of the girls dancing. A few guys lifted them up during the dance, and made me feel lonely. I decided to bring up the question. "Uhm, excuse me! I am looking for Zen."

They all turned to me, and the music stopped. "Why might you be looking for Zen here? He left somewhere a few days ago and never came back to rehearsal." My heart stopped, he was completely missing. One of the guys also responded. "I believe he said he had to clear his head for some reason." I didnt know how to react. I thanked them and left.

I didnt have words to say how I felt, but I had to go home without knowing what had happened to my good friend. I took a cab back to my apartment and put my stuff in the back with me. The driver drove and I got on my phone.

(You)I can't believe Zen has gone missing, I'm so worried for him!

*Yoosung ☆ has entered chatroom*
*Jaehee Kang has entered chatroom*
*707 has entered chatroom*

Yoosung ☆- I'm worried for Zen as well, he was a good friend, even though he made me jealous of his abs.

Jaehee Kang- I am also worried as well (Y/N), maybe he just didnt want to talk to us.


aehee Kang- It is possible he is just bothered by the chat.

(Y/N) But I was at his rehearsal today, and some people said he was "clearing his mind". I hope it doesn't mean what I think it means.

707- I hope not, we were gonna workout together some day, and eat Honey Buddah Chips right after, a balanced diet!

Yoosung ☆-

707- What? I can't eat and fix my bod at the same time?

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707- What? I can't eat and fix my bod at the same time?

Jaehee Kang- This isn't the time to be making fantasies of you eating junk food Luciel... Zen is missing and we font now where he has gone to.

And then the car stopped. I was dropped off at the lobby to my apartment. I took the elevator up and walked towards my door. I looked for the keys, and inserted it into the lock. I turned the key, and opened the door, but to my surprise was Zen laying half naked on the couch...

"Miss me?" Zen said, smirking at me...

To be continued...
Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did... Please vote and read my other stories!

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