chapter three: the exchange

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Castiels pov

I was outside feeding the chickens not believing what Crowley just asked me "can you believe it he asked me to be the husband of that brainless!......" I started when I heard the sound of a horse galloping towards me, I turned around and saw Megan but papa wasn't on her "Megan! Where's papa?" I asked petting her trying to get her to calm down, she stamped her hoof as I got on her "take me to papa girl" I said as she galloped towards the forest and down a road I've never seen before.

Gabriels pov

"Couldn't keep quiet...just had to invite him in to stay-" lucifer nagged at me which is very annoying "i was trying to be hospitable!" I yelled at him "rubbish!" He argued glaring at me "ah, lucifer can you blame me for trying to maintain what's left of our humanity? Look at us. Look at you!" I told him sadly looking at his clock form "what about me?" He asks looking at his pendulum "oh...right" he adds sadly looking away from me "if dean doesn't break the spell, slowly but surely we'll all become...things." I said but just then hope filled me as I heard the castle door open. I looked towards the door and saw a very ravishing boy in a blue shirt and white apron enter the room.

Castiels pov

"Hello? Is anybody here? Hello?" I call out not hearing the two voices say 'it's a boy!!!' And one say 'he's the one! The boy we have been waiting for. He has come to break the spell' I walked down a flight of stairs into a dungeon still calling out "hello? Is anyone here? Please I'm looking for my father." I looked in every cell till I heard a voice behind me whisper "castiel? Is that you?" I turned around and saw my papa in a cell "papa!" I yelled kneeling in front of the cell And grabbing his hands "how did you find me?" He coughed "your hands are as cold as ice! Who has done this to you?" I asked him trying to warm up his hands "castiel you must leave this place." He told me, but why? "I won't leave you here!" I told him, but then I heard a movement behind me, I turned around and looked around "who's there?" I called hearing panting from in front of me "i know someone's there. Who are you?" I asked the figure in front of me "the master of this castle" the figure said looking down at my "then, your the one who's responsible for this! Release my father at once!" I yelled at the man...thing? Who just yelled back "I do not take orders from anyone. get out!" Before he turned away "no! Wait! Forgive me. Please,let him out. Can't you see he's not well?" I asked him "then he should not have trespassed here." The man thing said looking at papa "but he's an old man. He could die!" I yelled at him, he growled "there's nothing you can do" "wait, please...take me instead" I said looking at the floor, the man thing looked at me in surprise "you would do that? You would take his place?" He asked looming at me dead in the eye "if I did, would you let him go?" I bargained "yes. But you must promise to stay here...forever." he said, my father tried to stop me but it wouldn't change my choice "step into the light" I told him, he stepped into the light to reveal a beast, I closed my eyes and said "you have my word" the beast nodded and took my father from the cell and took him to a statue who came to life "take him to the village." The beast told the statue as it dragged my father away "wait! No, not yet!" I cried falling to the floor "I'll never see him again...and I didn't even get to say goodbye." I sobbed crying into my hands.

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