Niall nods, delighted, and once Liam and Harry are ready, the five of them head out the door. Niall is quiet on the car ride to the museum, excited about all the art he's gonna see. Once they get there, it becomes apparent that Justin has no attention span. He looks at a painting for about five seconds before going to look at something else, while Zayn and Niall like to stare at the paintings until they evoke some sort of emotion. They feel no need to rush, while Justin is standing at the doorway, fiddling around on his phone as he waits for them.

It surprises Justin that he feels jealous. He feels out of place here, in this room where Niall and Zayn are able to appreciate everything. He wants to, he just can't sit still, and to wander around this place and look at everything without getting distracted just isn't possible. He starts to feel even worse because Niall and Zayn are whispering to each other, sharing some sort of secret that he's not a part of. He knows it's not right to sit here and let these negative feelings stew up inside, but he also doesn't want to hurt either of their feelings because he adores them both.

"Justin, you ready?" Zayn's voice asks, and he snaps his head up from where he was blankly staring at his phone screen. He nods, forces a smile on his face, and follows Zayn and Niall to the next room. Once they're back in the limo a few hours later, Justin goes to put an arm around Niall to cuddle him, but Niall twists to murmur something to Zayn. That bitter feeling settles even deeper in Justin's stomach, and he turns to look out the window, fiddling with his wedding ring. "You're fidgeting," Zayn says suddenly, hand covering Justin's. "Are you okay, babe? Feeling anxious?"

The bitter feeling in Justin's stomach turns to guilt. His husband knows him so well, loves him so much, he would be so hurt if he knew he was feeling like this. "A little," Justin responds.

Zayn squeezes his hand. "Well, we're almost back to the house. We were at that museum for a long time, I wasn't thinking about how that would've made you antsy. I'm sorry."

Justin shakes his head, signaling that he shouldn't worry about it. Niall has been silent throughout the exchange, and as soon as it ends, he starts to talk to Zayn again. Justin bites his tongue, hard, staring out the window.

The rest of the day goes the same way. Zayn and Niall seem as cuddly as ever, and Justin is so touch-starved it's almost ridiculous. Zayn has always been affectionate, knowing that physical touch is Justin's love language, and to go so long without at least some affectionate insult is making Justin cranky. He doesn't want to take it out on Niall or Zayn, though, so he just goes quiet, curling into himself. By the time night rolls around, Justin's entire chest feels hard as a rock.

"Are you okay?" Niall chirps, voice tiny. Zayn is in the bathroom brushing his teeth, and Justin is facing away from Niall on the bed, not cuddling him at all.

"What do you mean?" Justin responds.

"'ve been so quiet. You feel so far away," Niall explains. "...Did I do something wrong?"

Justin rolls over quickly. "No, baby." Panic is thick in his chest. It would kill him to have Niall be upset and think that anything was his fault. "No, you haven't done anything wrong. It's just me. I'm thinking too much."

"About what?"

Justin hesitates. He isn't sure how to talk about this or if he even wants to.

"Communication is key," Niall says in a bratty voice, echoing what they said to him.

Justin raises an eyebrow at him, fighting back a smile. "Are you sassing me, baby boy?"

Niall's cheeks go pink immediately, and his squirming definitely doesn't go unnoticed. "No!"

"I think you are."

"No, I didn't mean it..."

"Oh, you didn't?" Justin is smiling now. Niall is so flustered without even being touched, if you just use a stern tone of voice the poor boy melts into putty.

"No...I'll be good, Da --" Niall cuts himself off. " -- Justin."

Justin's heart rate has picked up a bit. "What did you almost just say, sweetheart?"

Niall covers his face with his hands. "Nothing!"

"I don't think that's true."

Niall lets out a loud whine. "Please don't laugh at me!"

"Baby!" Justin gasps, pulling Niall into his lap. When the blond uncovers his face, his lower lip is trembling. "Hey, hey, I'm not gonna laugh at you. You're so sweet, I'd never, ever make fun of you. I'd never wanna hurt your feelings, love, you're so precious..." He kisses Niall's face a few times, brushing his hair back. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, baby, but please don't choose not to tell me because you think I'm going to make fun of you. I promise I won't."

Niall whines and hides his face in Justin's neck. He mumbles something, but Justin can't hear it.

"Come on, angel, you can tell me," Justin coos, rubbing Niall's back.

Niall huffs. "I might...maybe...have accidentally called Zayn Daddy..." he says the last bit in a rush.

Justin pulls back in surprise, but true to his word, he doesn't laugh. "Is that what you almost called me just now?" he asks, knowing the answer but wanting Niall to say so. Niall nods. "Hey, use your words, baby."


"You have a daddy kink," Justin says.

Niall smacks his arm. "Don't! It's...embarrassing..."

"That's why you and Zayn were acting all mysterious," Justin continues, understanding now. The bitter feeling in his chest disappears. "You guys do want me around, you just...were trying to figure out how to tell me."

"Of course we want you around," Zayn's voice says, actually sounding hurt. "If you don't know I love you, you're absolutely nuts."

"I'm sorry," Justin says, putting an arm out to pull Zayn close. "I love you, too, Zee."

Niall's heart is near the point of beating out of his chest. "I love you, too...just in case you didn't know..." he sounds terribly embarrassed. "And you, too, Zayn...I love both of you so much."

Justin feels like he could cry, and he pulls the tiny blond close so he can kiss him. "Oh, baby boy, I love you, too. I love you to the point of bursting."

Zayn is laughing. "I love you, too, Niall, you sweet little angel. I can't believe we ever lived without you."

Niall actually starts to cry, he loves them so much, and it was such a sweet thing for Zayn to say. He curls up in between them, making sure that Justin is getting cuddled enough, too. 

"I love you," Niall whispers to Justin again, just to be sure he really hears it. He could feel that he was pulling away and didn't understand why, and now Niall feels bad for not having just told him about his kink right away.

Justin's voice at his ear, breathy and warm. "I love you who?"

Niall's grateful that the lights are off now, and he squeezes his eyes shut as he blushes. "I love you, Daddy..."

Niall can hear the smile in Justin's voice when he responds. "God, you're so fucking perfect, baby boy. I love you, too. I love you so damn much."

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