SatS - Chapter 7: Shy

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Chapter 7: Shy

"Why did you leave it with this man again?"

"Because he is known as the keeper of secrets!" Jake replied, as energetic as ever as he walked with a pimp in his steps through the forest grounds.

"Keeper of secrets?" Barns questioned.

"Yes, the keeper of secrets. In his words, there are many objects of magic entrusted to him to keep safe and secret"

"But if he is known as the keeper of secrets wouldn't someone evil have found him and attempted to grab his secrets?"

"Ah good question, my boy!" Mr Spades said as he patted Barns on the back, heftily. He fell forward slightly, not prepared for the surprise show of affection.

I shrugged at his wide-eyed look.

"I like you! Always with the right sorts of the question?"

"You see, my boy" Mr Spade continued, as if not noticing Barns response, as he pulled out an old book from his backpack.

The book abruptly levitated on its own as it flipped over to a marks page. An image hovered above the book of the forest me neared of a strange array of colours, not of the usual green or autumn colours.

From The bird's eye view colour splodges of pinks, blues, yellows, and much more colours showed as symbols for trees.

As Mr Spades, or Jack as he insisted on us calling him, waved his arm around the image before us, it moved to show us what he meant.

"The keepers of secrets is good at keeping secrets not just because he keeps these items safe alone, but with the help of multiple people"

"But... that isn't a secret then, is it?



"Don't you get it? What someone least expects when its comes to secrets is for someone who is such a good secret keeper to share it. But it is with purpose?

"You see my boy, even though he is the keeper of secrets, that does not mean on his land he keeps the secret alone or all of it?"

"What do you mean???

"You shall see when we get there?"

"Sensei..." I whispered as we continued walking

Barnes and Mr Spade continued talking in the background.

"Yes, pup?"

"Do you..." I asked, glancing ever so slightly to the corner of my eye at the shadow hidden in the corner of a tree branch.

"Yes," he said, keeping his eyes forward. His tone and volume are low as he walked closer.

"Should we be worried?" I questioned, not taking a liking to the eyes of the unknown upon us.

Sensei's jaw locked.

He doesn't know.

"How long do you think...?" I added, trailing off.

For half an hour? Ten minutes? It's hard to tell...

"Why don't we just ask?" Mr Spade abruptly said.

Sensei and I looked over at him in surprise as he headed off towards the owner of the eyes.

Panic lifted in me, something Sensei's glance shared before we shot out towards him.



We shouted in unison, but it was already too late.

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