14| Studio Time |R|

Start from the beginning

"Looks like you're hella important at the moment." I raised my brow and felt my phone go off with a notification.

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justinbieber commented: You're killing me 👀😍😩

I felt my face heat up as I looked back at him. "Do you have my post notifications on?" I chuckled.

He nodded his head proudly. "Can't go without being updated on my girl." He smiled. "And... it was cute how jealous you got for a second."

My smile fell as I looked at him, smacking his hand from my lap. "I wasn't jealous." I scoffed. "I was curious."

"Sure you were." He smiled and turned a few more corners, before coming up towards a gated building.

"You know, I noticed you have a studio in your basement, but you still come to other studios to record. Why?" I asked as he parked and opened his door, coming across to open mine.

"The privacy is nice, but recording in public studios takes me back to when I first started recording. It's comforting." He shrugged and walked inside.

The inside of the building was a dark burgundy and no one was at the front desk. "I bought out the studio for two hours, so it's just us." He mumbled and grabbed a pair of keys from off the wall. "Its better this way. No one can sneak and hear the music," he sighed and grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to his side and gently squeezes my hip. "Plus, it gives us some privacy." He exhaled heavily down my neck, making me shiver.

"Let me hear you sing first." I smiled and bit my lip, pushing him into the room after he opened the door.

He groaned and stretched his body before turning on the light "Make yourself comfortable. I can order food later if you want? Mexican?"

I sat on the couch while he took the swivel chair in front of all the music equipment. "You're smart. I like that." I pointed at him and fell back onto the couch, pulling out my laptop to finish a few more things for work.

- Justin

After getting everything set up, I walked into the booth to finish up a few of the verses so that the song could be finished.

I showed Ashton how to work the playback, record, and speaker on the equipment so that she could help me out when she needs a break from working.

"Focus ain't the same if the picture ain't got you in it
In every line my
Emotions ain't the same if it ain't about you, I don't get it
Ever since the beginning now
You had that effect on me
All I wanna do is you, boo." I sang into the mic, making her look up at me and smile, nodding her head slowly.

The track stopped and her voice came into the booth. "I like it. Are we finally getting R&Bieber part two, or are you playing us all again? Cause I don't have time for it, Justin." She sighed dramatically and swivelled in the chair.

"Maybe you will, maybe I'll have to keep you guessing." I smirked and turned her in the chair. "What have you been working on though?"

I asked and grabbed her laptop, looking over a article on an article about relationships for Cosmopolitan. I read over the article, looking up a few times to catch her staring at me. I could tell her thoughts were all over the place. Her expression later changed and she smiled before tucking her head down.

I chuckled and put her laptop down, patting my lap for her to sit on. "Come here." Her brow raised at me. "Now."

"Unless you're gonna fulfill that promise you made me, I don't think so." She but her lip.

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