Under the floor board

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After the decision that I will be staying here I needed to get clothes that are up to date. So shopping. But lucky before I put myself in the coffin I stashed all my money in my room under the floor. I did that cause i wanted people to think that I left town but if my money was here people would think that something happened to me.

"Didn't any of you guys go into the room on the very end of the hall by any chance?" I asked. While looking down the hall. Than I looked back at the three of them. They didn't under stand why i was asking so but they answered anyway.

"No I have, have you two?" Hazel told me and asked Hunter and Violet.
Violet and Hunter shakes their head at Hazel than looks at me confused in why I asked. Why wouldn't they. It and weird question to ask.

I just smirked and turned around to the direction of the hall. While I was walking I could feel all of there eyes burning holes in the back on my. Once u got the the door that no one in this room beside me have be in. Oh how I have missed this room.

I lifted my right hands to the door handle to open the door. The door handle is cold against my hand from not being touched in so long. Once I open the door all the meuxjdndh of this room and all the time I spend in it came back to me. I miss sleeping in this room. This room is the room choose to be my bedroom out of all the other rooms. When u first came in this house I looked around to see which one would be my room. Every room I went in it didn't feel like it was for me. It just didn't feel like I was at home in those rooms. Until I went into this room and I knew this was the perfect room to be in. At first I didn't  know  that I wanted to live in this house and i always check the rooms to make sure that it felt right. I was giving up hope in finding a bedroom in this place that I felt like I belonged until I went in this room. The last room of the house. This room was the reason I brought the house to tell you the truth.
Every time I think of this room a smile comes to my face. I remember every inch of this room and now looking at it I see that it hasn't changed a bit. It's just the way I left it. My smile just got bigger.
I went into the room and looked at all the items that I can still remember putting their and why. Like the set of high heels with one heel broken under my desk that is the far end of the right side of the room. I remember that I wanted to kept them cause my friend at the time gave me them as one of my birthday gives. Even though I couldn't wear them again I still wanted to remember that she give them to me. It makes me feel happy that they cared enough to take time to buy them for me.
I would love to stay in this room and remember everything about the items and how they came to be but Hazel, Hunter and Violet probably be wondering where I am. I go to the mat that's in the middle of the room and pulled some away so I could see the floor board. I pulled one of the boards out of the floor and there right where I left it; the money. I pulled out the bag of money and I put the board back in the floor. Once I put the mat back in its original place I grab the bag and went to the others.

And when I did they couldn't believe that all the money was under the floor board all this time.

And follow me


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 21, 2017 ⏰

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