You're a Part of Me

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Harry's POV

I scanned the crowd, looking for a face I could recognize. No such luck. I adjusted my beanie and made my way through the crowd. A group of pretty girls were clustered together. I walked over to them, introducing myself. "Hello, ladies," I smiled. They giggled. They flirted with me for a bit until I spotted a girl sitting on a bench, all alone.

"Excuse me, ladies," I said and went over to her. She was pretty. She was dressed expensive looking clothes. Her blonde hair had a gold headband in. I approached her and said, "Hello," She looked up and I was lost in her eyes. They were a beautiful green, a shade I had never seen before. Her golden blonde hair made her eyes pop.

"Hi," She smiled, showing a perfect set of teeth. "I'm Harry. Harry Styles," I stuck my hand out. "Nice to meet you, Harry. I'm Tess Mitchell," She shook it. She sounded American. "Are you American?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm a transplant. I lived in America until I was ten and then moved here." "Ah, I see. Do you mind if I join you?" I smiled.

"Sure," She said and I sat down on the bench next to her. "Where are you from?" "Manchester," "City or United?" "United, definitely. My favorite club is Barcelona, though. Messi is amazing," "Can't argue with that," I said, "I'm from Cheshire," We talked for a while. I found out her favorite color was blue, she loved chocolate milk, was 5'4, and has danced for twelve years."So why aren't you in that group over there?" I pointed at the girls I was just talking to.

"Them? You're kidding, right?" She said. "Why would you say that?" "Uhm, they're like perfect. I'm nowhere close to that," She said, pulling out her phone. "I disagree," I smiled. "Aren't you a charmer?" She blushed. I grabbed her phone and put in my number. "I am," I gave her a cheeky grin. I sent my phone a text and gave her back her phone. "Girls!" A man with a clip board and head set said.

"Well, that's me," She said, picking up her bag, "I guess I'll see you around, Harry?" "Yeah, you will," I smiled at her. She blushed and turned around, shaking her head, stifling a giggle. She walked toward the stage door, the group of girls heading in that direction as well. I headed out into the house, taking a seat amongst the other contestants, content on watching Tess Mitchell.

Her voice was like an angel's. She must be able to hit every note on a scale. Her stage presence was amazing as well. The judges later called her forward, along with another of girl. "You're moving on!" They said. Tess looked shocked. She then smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen. I smiled, clapping. Tess Mitchell might be the most talented girl I've ever met. I had a feeling I was going to get to know her better.

Tess's POV

The driver pulled up to the theater. I stepped out into the bitter cold air, teeth chattering. I grabbed my bag and thanked the driver. I walked through the backstage door, having to pass two security guards in the process. They directed me to the stage door. I opened it and walked in a wall of hardness. I looked up to see Paul.

"Hi, Paul," "Tess! Long time no see!" He hugged me, picking me up off the ground. He set me down and yelled toward the stage, "Tess is here!"

"TESS!" Louis tackled me. "Hi, Lou," I laughed as he hugged me tightly. "Don't break her!" Liam laughed. "Fine," Louis said, releasing me. I hugged Zayn, Niall, and Liam. I looked around.

"Where's Harry?" I asked. "Home sick," Louis said. "Oh, I hope he feels better," I said to be polite. "So where's our director?" Liam said, looking around. "I'm here!" William walked in, "Let's get to work." 

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