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I heard the cops running around upstairs, I guess they were trying to catch my father. My mother, as for her, she was gone, long gone. She died when I was three, and that's when the abuse started.

A police officer led me outside of my house, and put me into the back of the car. He dragged me away from the only home I had ever known my entire life. Let me introduce myself. I'm ten. My name is Trinity-I know, some name, eh?

The cops drove me away in what seemed like a hurry. When I opened my eyes, I found the officer leading me out of the car, and into a small, red, brick building. I was afraid.

I decided to run.

The officers yelled for me to stop, halt or freeze, but something inside me told me to keep going. I wasn't running very fast on my little feet so I knew I needed to keep going. As I ran I looked down at the cracks in the sidewalk, and didn't see that someone was walking towards me. I ran into them with tears streaming from my face.

I didn't look up right away to greet the figure, but it talked.

"Are you okay little one?"
The voice asked as I stared at the figure's feet.

I recognized the voice to be that of a males. I studied the mans feet. He wore tall, shiny, black boots. As I continued to look up, I saw he wore ripped, skinny, white jeans with a black belt that was pores. As I studied his arms, I observed he had a couple bracelets rapped around his wrists, and that he wore four different scarves-all of which hung from his neck. One was red and black, the other blue, and the other cheetah printed.
As my eyes got up to his face, I saw he was perfectly clean shaven, no hair on the face. I looked up even more at his face only to see that he had pretty brown eyes. I practically melted when his eyes came into contact with my own. He had Beautiful hair that was brown, but almost dirty blonde. The hair that left his scalp laid nicely on the tips of his shoulders. He wore a white hat with a black banding around the perimeter of the hat.

He then spoke softly to me.

"Why hello my child. I'm so sorry we ran into one another."
He said.

"I-its okay, sir."
I stuttered.

"Are you lost sweetie?"
He asked.

I nodded, and started to cry.

"Aw, don't cry honey. Shhhh, it's okay. What's your name?"
He asked me holding my shoulders.

I said wiping away my tears.

"Well, Trinity, I'm Steven, where is your family?"

"I-I don't have one. I live in the orphanage."
I sniffled.

"Well, I can change that. Here come with me."
Steven said.

I followed Steven into the orphanage, where he signed a bunch of papers. Little did I know, he had just adopted me.🏴

Come and Save Me Tonight (living with Steven Tyler)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang