Strange Day Part 3

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Adrien P.O.V

Shock seamed to cover the tall blond man that was talking to us."EEHHH!" he exclamed this caused marinett and the little girl to burst into laughter. "This is not funny!" The dark haired man exclamed a pout on his face.This caused the blond man to go a little red.

Before anyone could say any thing futhure my father pulled up with the gorilla and Nathalie as well as a young man with a monotonous face (By the way they are infront the hotel the class is staying).My father and every one else exited the car and came towards us. "Hello and good morning children Adrien" My father greated 

Father turned towards the man in the bar attenders uniform an the red faced man as well as scarlet i think her name was."Who might you three be" he asked. "My name is Izaya Orihara i marinettes uncle." this shocked me this is her uncle he looks so young and that girl called him her father and marinette her mother this is so confusing an i could see i was not the only one confused.

"My name is Scarlet Orihara i am his daughter -she said pointing to Mr. Orihara - and her cousin but she is like a mother to me so i call her mom." she finished pointing to marinett this caused us all to release a sigh of relief.After this the blond man in the barattenders uniform explained that he is The monotonous mans older brother whom turned out to be the actor i am doing the modeling guig with.

My father proceded to invite all of my friends to be part of my modeling guig. This shocked me he even asked marinettes relitives to come wit us as well as Mr. Shizuo.This turned out to be one strange an eventful game


What ship do u want me to start developing on in the next chapter.




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