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A month had gone by since the whole gender congratulations drama happened. Frank had apologised on behalf of his children regarding what they actually said. I just wanted to forget it all, focus on my daughter. Of course, I knew they were just protecting Jamie, but they had to realise the impact they were having on me and the baby, Frank had advised them not to stress her out, which would have caused problems for myself and the baby.

The Sunday Gender Reveal meal was refreshing. It was just a chance for my whole family to get together, to celebrate a new life coming in five months. It was all decorated pink, from the balloons to the cake. It was a chance to catch up with everyone. I was grateful for what my mother did for me and my little one, brightening up my spirit, and they were all happy, tears flowed, and pink smarties flowed out of the white cake revealing the babies' gender. My family of course, was shocked at seeing Jamie, but yet were thankful he was actually there, sticking by me, it would take time to heal, but they wanted to focus on the baby, who was healing them all. But I really needed this.

I sat on my bed, flicking over the pages of a baby name book. I had already decided on what I wanted to call their daughter, but she of course wasn't sure if they wanted a Christian name, one of the names was kind of Christian, she thought. Now I was half way through my pregnancy, Jamie wanted to work over time, get more money for the baby, but I had millions of dollars stashed away. The furniture for the baby was coming together. Some of the stuff was second hand from my mother, like a Moses basket, which stood beside my bed. A push chair and car seat, from when my younger half siblings, Rosa and Lorenzo were babies. I just didn't want to get too comfy living in this house, I couldn't live in this house forever, what was the point of that?

I wanted a largish house, space for the baby and my dogs to run around. God, I missed my dogs.

Grazing her hand over my grey top, placing my hand on my bump, I sighed to myself, landing herself on the J section of the baby book. I then noticed a name, which gave me an idea, and I knew for sure Jamie would like it, or would he find it an insult? My thoughts were suddenly interrupted, hearing my bedroom- Erin's old bedroom door being knocked on.

"Come in" I spoke up, before the door opening, seeing Jamie in his non-uniform. It was Sunday, which meant another Sunday dinner, they never seemed to invite me. Although I was jealous of them being together at the dinner table.

"Just came to see how you were" Jamie smiled.

"I'm fine. Shouldn't you be having Sunday dinner?" I asked him closing the book.

"I will be, just came to see you and you know...the baby" he said sitting on the bed beside me.

"Well she is still cooking" I told him "but go ahead, I won't stop you...maybe she will kick for you" I told him.

"Hey, she will, give her time, and when she does, it will be a big kick, like her dad knows how to throw a punch" he chuckled, before he eyed the name book. "You been thinking?" he asked me.

"Well...I know what I would like to name her, but I don't know if the names are religious or Christian enough"

"Lexi...they don't have to be religious, I don't even know if our names were religious" he explained.

"What if we call our daughter something, your family might not like it"

"They aren't having this baby, we can call her whatever you want, what was the name idea?" he asked taking the book and looking through the J section.

"Luna Grace" I informed him "Luna means moon in Italian, I'm Italian, and Grace just sounds like a pretty name, plus it sounds religious" I joked slightly.

Red & Blue ▪  Blue Bloods ▪ Jamie Reagan - CANCELLEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz