Struck by Lightning

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A trip to Alaska to see our cousins was nice and did definitely distract me. Dad told me how to control my thirst for Emma's blood and I think I've got it.

Today is the day I go back to school and I hope all goes well. I take my seat in Biology and wait for her to show up, I really hope this works.

I look up and see her staring right at me, she rolls her eyes and takes her seat.

"Hello. I'm Ej Cullen and your Emma?"

"Uh yeah"

The teacher then announce what we will be doing this lesson and we start.

"You were gone for a long time" she snaps.

"Um yeah, had to see my cousins for family reasons" I lie.

It was silent for a while but I decide to break it by asking

"So, why did you move to Forks?"

"Um. My mum wasn't the best parent I guess. And now my dad is taking care of me"

"Is it better?"

"I guess"

After that, Emma was quite and didn't speak to me. I think I said something wrong. The bell rang and we went our seperate ways.


I sit by my car and watch Emma look through her notes and study, she looks at me then quickly looks away. I hear the thunder and lightning get closer to us by the second. One piece of paper gets caught with the wind and Emma runs to go get it. I hear Aunt Alice have a vision and it's Emma get hit by a tree that was struck by lightning. I use my vampire speed a rush towards her, Emma looks up to see the lightning hit the tree and begin to fall fast. I grab her and move her away from the fallen tree. I lay a top of her and our eyes lock.

"Emma!" I hear Ethan yell.

I quickly get up and walk back into the forest. I'll just walk back home.

A while after I walk in the house and see everyone stare at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You have now put us in danger!" Gwen yells.

"Chill Gwen." Noah says and walks her out of the room.

"Carlisle called us about Emma being in hospital after a tree almost fell on her." Dad says.

"Okay" I say walking off.

"Edward-Jacob" Mum says.

She used my full name which means she's going to make me do something.


"Go see Emma in hospital. She will be released soon."

I agree only because I couldn't bother fighting with my mother at the moment. I walk in the hospital and see Emma sitting down waiting for her dad to sign some papers.

I walk up to her and she looks at me.

"Hey" I say.

"How did you get over to me so fast?" Emma asks.

"Oh. So your not going to thank me?"

"Thank you" she stutters.

"Your not going to let this go arn't you?"


"Well, enjoy disappointment"

I say and walk out of the door and into my car, driving back home.


I play with my food at the lunch table, I just don't feel like eating.

"Aren't you going to eat?" asks Jacob.

"I lost my appetite"

I look at Emma and try to read her mind but my brain keeps getting fuzzy and distracted, I can't concentrate. I watch her get up and head to the buffet area to get food, so I get up and walk to her.

"So are you going to tell me the truth or not?" she asks.

"Uh, probably not. Do you have any theories?"

Emma laughs.

"I have thought about uh, super strength and some superhero powers."

"What if I'm not the hero, what if I am the bad guy."

"Your not. If you were bad, you wouldn't of saved me"


I feel like, I need to protect Emma. Its...strange. I heard that she was going to Port Angeles so I decided to go, just to keep an eye on her. She's with her friends looking for dresses for prom and I see her walk out. Where is she going? I follow her and she ends up at a bookstore. Emma comes back out with a book in her end then walks down an ally way and I lose her.

I hear thoughts and see there is a bunch of boys surrounding her, I rush to my car and drive to were she is. Emma turns around.

"Get in the car" I say and she walks in.

I stare down the boys and they look frightened and walk away.

"I should rip there heads off. The things they were thinking were horrible"

"You know what they were thinking?" she asks.

Thats were I stayed silent and said nothing. Wrong thing to say Ej, you stupid. We arrive at the restaurant where she is meeting Jamie and Angel. But they already ate so I decided to eat with her. I accidentally spill about my reading minds thing, she's getting to close. So I call it off and take her home.

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