chapter one: the curse

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Narrator pov

Once upon a time in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. But then, one winter's night, and old beggar women came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old women away. But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. And when he dismissed her again, the old women's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress. The prince begged for forgiveness, but it was to late the enchantress put a spell on the servants and the prince turning him into a hideous beast, then she gave him the rose and when the last petal of the rose falls and withers, he will stay a beast forever.

*10 years later in a village two miles away*
A young boy named castiel walks out of his house, and starts walking to the book shop, singing with the voice on an angel (wink wink nudge nudge)

Castiels pov

"Lit-tle town, it's a quiet village. Everyday like the one before. Little town full of little people waking up to say..." castiel sang looking at like clock tower strike noon. Soon, all the village folk were on the streets for market, "Bonjour" "Bonjour" "Bonjour" "Bonjour" "Bonjour!". "There goes the baker with his tray like always, the same old bread and rolls to sell, every mornings just the same since the morning that we came" castiel sang bumping into the baker "oh good morning castiel" the baker said "where you off to?" He added holding his tray of breads "to the book shop, I just finished the most wonderful story about a beanstalk and an ogre an-" "that's nice MARIE! THE BAGUETTES! HURRY UP" the  baker yelled storming off "nevermind" castiel said walking into the bookshop "ah castiel, what brings you here" the book keeper asked "I've come to return the book I borrowed" castiel smiled handing the book keeper the book "finished already?" "Oh I just couldn't put it down, you got anything new?" "*chuckles* not since yesterday" "oh that's alright I'll borrow...this one!" Castiel exclaims grabbing his favorite book "that one? But you've read it twice" the book keeper stated "I just love it, far off places, daring sword fights, a prince in disguise!" Castiel said twirling around pretending to be in a sword fight with someone "well, if you like it that much it's your" "oh no I couldn't!" "I insist" "oh thank you....thank you very much!" Castiel smiled wide running out of the book shop and sitting on the edge of the fountain and turned to a little girl "oohhh isn't this amazing, it's my favorite part because you'll seeee, heresss where she meets prince charming but she won't discover that it's him till chapter threee" he sang turning the paging and showing the girl before running off. While villagers around him whispered and talked about him but he didn't care.

destiel- beauty and the beast.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat