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Spring Break. Usually this is the time when teens go to some foreign country and drink for a week straight. For me, it's usually spent sitting on the beach that's my backyard. But this year is different. I'm taking Gabby to Illinois to meet someone. Right now I'm waiting for Gabby in my Jeep. She is saying goodbye to her mom.

It's not like we are going away for long, we are going for four days. I wonder what it's going to be like when we leave for college. Gabby hasn't made her choice yet but I have a feeling she will soon. It's still between UCLA or University of Florida. Lauren and Ali are both going to Florida with partial scholarships to play soccer.

Sal slammed the trunk closed and knocked me from my thoughts. Gabby climbed into the passenger seat and closed the door behind her. I put the Jeep into drive and started to the airport. We got there a half hour later. We are taking the jet to O'Hare and a car service is picking us up to take us to the hotel.

Gabby doesn't know anything about the trip. All she knows is that we are going to Chicago, I haven't told her anything else.

"Carmen where are we going?" Gabby asked as I pulled into the private airport.

"We are getting on the jet." I said pulling up to the private jet my parents own.

"Holy shit." Gabby said looking out at the plane.

I smiled and turned off the Jeep. I unlocked the doors and got our bags out. Gabby has one suitcase and I have a duffle bag with my backpack. I hand our luggage over to the flight crew and they take the stuff onto the plane.

"Miss. Carmen it's lovely to see you again, and who is this?" Harold asked. Harold is our pilot.

"Good to see you too Harold, this is Gabby, my girlfriend, Gabby this is Harold our pilot." I introduce the two of them.

"It's nice to meet you Miss. Gabby, Miss. Carmen we are going to leave in ten minutes so if you would please make your way onto the jet." Harold said and continued to do this pre-flight check.

Taking Gabbys hand in mine we walked over to the stairs. I forced Gabby on first and she stopped in the doorway. I had to push her the rest of the way in because she was so in awe she won't move. I walked over to the window seat and sat down. Gabby sat next to me and Harold walked in. He pulled up the steps and went into the cockpit.

Twenty minutes later we are in the air. Gabby is talking about something Sal did but I'm not really paying attention. I have too many thoughts running through my mind. I close my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened them and looked out the window.

"Babe, please I have a headache." I said not looking at her. I've only done this one other time but I really did have a headache. Sometimes Gabby can go on and on.

I push the chair recliner and lean back. I really don't want to shut her out but I just don't want to deal with it, not till I have too. I closed my eyes and try and sleep for the rest of the two-hour flight.

I felt a hand on my shoulder so I opened my eyes. Leah is sitting next to me. She looks beautiful as always.

"You shouldn't be shutting her out Carrie." Leah said. Leah is the only one who calls me Carrie. She gave me the nickname in the hospital.

"It's just hard." I said, trying to keep my eyes open.

"It should be, I'm still your best friend. It's going to be hard to come back and see me." Leah said.

"I miss you, so much." I said feeling myself getting ready to cry.

"I miss you too Carrie, see you soon." Leah said and kissed my forehead.

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