Chapter 15: A Scene on the Horizon

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Only the shadows know if their plan is going to fail or not, Althalos thought to himself, shaking slightly as the Lord of Shadowy Death's voice rang in his ears, resonated through his mind.

It will. For once, you were smart and thoughtful.

But then, Merec of course wouldn't let such praise pass without an insult placed in a very subtle manner.

Of course.

Lord Merec.

I expect success from you, mortal. Do not even try to fail me.

Minutes later, and they were off. Miasmador reared up and took to the air, unleashing forth a titanic sound akin to thunder that shook all of who he carried within their core. A laugh emanated out of his throat as the dragon saw the surprised and slightly terrified looks the others exhibited, especially Alianor and Althalos, who looked shaken, to say the least.

Earlier, Althalos and Katelyn talked over what words were to be used, while Fendrel and the others prepared for an hour-long flight. The Nightwalkers saved them all the trouble by inventing a spell that made them stick to Miasmador's scales for the time being, unable to fall and have a terribly gruesome death.

Althalos took the liberty of conjuring up a small orb of flame by whispering,"Eldrih."

With that one ball of fire, they were extremely grateful for him, for the biting cold practically freezed their limbs, and having a source of heat was next to impossible in this kind of temparature.

Though if magic was of the relevance...

Althalos fed the fire with his energy, manipulating it to the point that it was hotter than newly-forged steel, but still having the same size as before.

"I don't understand why this dragon's fire did not reach us," Katelyn remarked, describing Miasmador's body heat.

A low grumble, and Miasmador replied,"At this conditions, even we are challenged."

The woman was now silent, understanding his statement, as did the others who also possessed the same curiosity earlier.

They--Miasmador--flew up, far above the clouds themselves, and then most of them gasped.

"This is..." Althalos struggled to finish, his eyes fixated on the scene, so Justin finished for him, also struggling.


"They always said looks can be deceiving," Fendrel told himself, wide-eyed at the spectacle before him.

"How right they were," Althalos replied, even if it was uneeded, still looking at this spectacle that would have been only glimpsed once in a whole life.


Dragons of all sizes, of all colors, sailed through the seas in the sky, basking in the glow of the sun, radiating their gleaming scales. They shone like a beacon of hope in a world of darkness, and most were only young ones, just like the dragon Miasmador was once was.

They were all wide-eyes and jaw-dropped at this scene before them, but perhaps the most surprised would have been Miasmador himself.

The dragon's eyes were fixed on the rest of his kind. Red dragons, yellow dragons, green dragons, black dragons, white dragons, by the fire within his veins, no color was spared to be the dragon's hard scales. Some young ones basked in snow-capped mountains, and Althalos saw with his red eyes some eggs that were kept warm and safe in caverns in these same tall mountains.

A red full-grown dragon darted past them, going at a speed so unnatural that only the demons' sight can hope to see them, and even then it was but a blur in the clear azure skies.

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