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As my eyes closed that night, it felt like leaden sleep was falling over me.

I heard my mom's hurried footsteps outside in the hallway.

My door creeked open. My mom looked around, checked I was asleep, and came over and pecked me on the cheek.

She then hurried out of my room, slamming the door behind her.

I heard heavier footsteps, and my mom and dad's hurried whispering, and their footsteps leaving to their room.

I relaxed. My eyes, which had been shut real tight, opened. I wiped my mom's kiss off my cheek.

Then I fell asleep.


I opened my eyes.

I was standing. On Fern's planet. Yay.

I pinched myself. It didn't hurt. I pinched myself again, just to make sure. This time it hurt.

"Fern, what am I doing here?"

I pushed my now foggy pink hair off my face. I had changed again.

"You must be awakened."

I strained to understand.


Fern didn't answer.

"What is awakening?"

"You will see, Lu."

I just stood there.


We started running like 50 miles an hour towards the looming city. Then we were dodging our way through a maze of hallways. Both of us had changed.

Fern had the black hair and dark skin again. And so did I.

"Fern, why am I changing again?"

"Your awakening. Slightly. Your appearance is adjusting to your surroundings."

She led me up to huge oak doors that stretched from the marble floors to the cealing.

Fern threw open the doors.

"Shmuel, she's here!" Fern called breathlessly.

"Thank goodness!"

Fern shoved me in.

"What's happening? What are you doing?"

I was being dragged towards the blade.

This big, huge, sickening blade at the back of the room.

"Let go of me!"

The Shmuel guy buckled me down under the blade in chains.

"Get off me!"

The blade was right on top of my head.

My last thought before the blade swung down was-Oh my goodness, I am going to die in 2012!

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